

时间: 3月20日(星期三) 19:00 - 20:00
主讲老师: David(围观老师的部落<<<)
公开课地点: CCtalk英语大厅





Speaking will always follow the same old set up.
It is in 3 parts.
1. Part1 asking you basic question about yourself.
2. Part2 and 3, generally connected in some way.
3. Part2 will require that you speak for about 2 minutes on a topic..
4. Part3 will require that you discuss the topic.

Things to remember in part one.
1. This is a good time to get nerves out of the way.
2. Stick to the topic. Answer as best you can.
3. Speak clearly and slowly to start with. Let yourself breath.
4. If you can't answer then say why and the reason for that.
5. Put the question into your answer
6. Comment on the     question.
7. Give a basic answer and a reason, for or against the question.
8. Don't worry about accent. Worry about speaking clearly.
9. Use different tones and change your pace depending on what you are saying.
10. If you have a drink, drink while you are listening to the question. Not while you are talking.

Read the topic card for part2
1. Make sure you understand the topic, before you prepare the wrong thing.
2. You'll have to talk about a topic for one to two minutes.
3. You are given one minute to prepare.
4. Use the pen and paper provided.
5. Do take notes. Even if they are just bullet points.
6. Avoid the ' ummmm what was I thinking or saying' moment (see notes)
7. Put topic into opening paragraph.
8. Conclude at the end so examiner knows you are finished.

1. This is a discussion so get ready to discuss and discuss some more.
2. Comment on the questions, as you might in a discussion.
3. Paraphrase the questions you are asked.
4. If you don't understand, then say you don't understand, as you might in a discussion.
5. There are no wrong answers, just those that answer and those that don't.
6. Mistakes will happen so don't worry if you made one.
7. If you catch the mistake, then correct it, like you would in a discussion.

Some sample questions for part1
Which do you prefer? Houses or apartments?
where did you live as a child?

Part2 example questions
Describe the most beautiful scenery you have seen.



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