TEST 1 PART 1 - 口语第一部分真题
The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.
Keeping in contact with people
Question 1 | How do you usually contact with friends [Why?] |
解题要领 | 该题问你与朋友之间的常用沟通方式,关键是从way of communication的角度切入,并且要回答为什么选用这种方式。 |
满意回答 (5-6分) | From time to time, I like to make a call to my friends to know what has happened to them recently, because, in my opinion, this is the fastest and most efficient way of communication for modern people. |
(7-8分) |
make a call打电话 prefer更喜欢 fastest and most efficient 最快最高效的 way of communication交流方式 mobile/cell phones手机 close friends密友 traditional传统的 fully express完整地表达 deepest thoughts最深层次的想法 profound feelings深刻的见解 develop writing skills提高写作技能 generate creative ideas引发创造性的思想 improve one’s quality of life改善生活质量 |
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