题目:The pie chart below shows the percentage of people going to Australia from various places. The table below gives information on the preference of these tourists.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.
The Preference of Tourists
Asian Tourists
European Tourists
US Tourists
The length of stay
7 days
14 days
6 days
10 days
Main activities
The pie chart illustrates the ratio of foreign visitors from four different regions coming to Australia, and the table elaborates how these visitors like to spend holidays in this country.
Overall, among all the visits to Australia, Asian people rank the top, followed by the tourists from Europe. However, the European tourists, compared with the others, tend to stay in Australia for the longest time.
According to the pie chart, the majority of travellers to Australia are from Asian countries, around 38%. This figure is slightly higher than the number of the visitors from the Europe which represents 32%. Visitors from USA and other regions have a lower tendency to travel to Australia, at 18% and 10% respectively.
It can be clearly seen from the table that people from other regions stay in Australia for 10 days on average, living in caravan at night and surfing at daytime. This travel pattern is similar to that of European people, but the latter tend to spend more time in Australia and prefer swimming and sunbath. On the contrary, tourists from the US and Asia only spend about one week or less sightseeing in Australia and hotels are their preferred option.
①elaborate: v. 详细阐述
②represent: v. 等于
③tendency: n. 倾向
④on average 平均
沪江网校雅思教研老师,英国杜伦大学毕业;英文专业8级;高中英语教师资格证书等,主攻雅思托福等留学考试。参与沪江网校World English A2和 B1、新版雅思6.5分写作、新版雅思7分写作等课程的设计规划与制作。
题目: Some people think that schools should select their pupils according to their academic ability. Others believe that young people with different abilities should be educated together. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
One cannot find two identical leaves in the world, let alone children with their unique abilities to learn and perceive. Therefore, it has always been a problem to choose the most suitable way for elementary education. Some propose that pupils should be divided into several classes by their academic performances, but others tend to stand for mixed-ability classes. I regard the latter as the more reasonable choice.
When it comes to lesson planning and peer review, divided classes obviously have their own advantages. Students with the same level can easily follow the teachers without feeling bored, and teachers will save much effort targeting children of different abilities in large and mixed groups. Therefore, when setting is done well, it can be an effective way to personalise teaching and learning to the needs of pupils. However, in some schools, the selecting is not based on scientific assessment of ability, or is not used to adapt teaching to the needs of the group, then it can be divisive and limit pupils’ aspirations.
Worse still, it is a common conduct that the most experienced and capable teachers often teach pupils in the highest sets, so bright, middle-class children get better education than those who come from economically-disadvantaged families. Therefore, some students will be locked into a lower educational environment before they have a chance to develop their potential, which is a dangerous sign of a widened social gap.
By contrast, in mixed-ability classes, children do not only learn about the knowledge on textbooks, but also understand the differences between people. Such classes have a positive effect on the attitudes and self-esteem of all pupils regardless of their ability level. Young children can know the complexity of the world through the variety of their classmates. That is why more people believe there are more advantages by putting pupils together without placement tests.
To sum up, divided classes might show some benefits if managed properly, but in my opinion, streaming by ability can exacerbate inequities. Kids deserve the fair opportunity to learn and explore, and they need to break the confine to see different possibilities. In this regard, a shake-up of admissions is more favourable.
①identical: adj. 相同的
②When it comes to: 谈及,考虑到……
③aspiration: n. 抱负,志向
④economically-disadvantaged families: 贫困家庭
⑤self-esteem: n. 自尊
⑥exacerbate: v. 加重,恶化
⑦a shake-up of: 混合重组
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