Topic 1. Describe a Chinese traditional festival
Topic 2. Describe a new law
PART3:为什么有的人喜欢当警察(她说的是police officer)?
你觉得international law有什么作用?
你觉得中国大多数人会遵守法律么?(Do you think most people in China abide by the law?)很多人觉得偶尔违反一下法律,一些小错误是ok的,你觉得呢? How successful do you think the laws are in your country? Do you think it's important for people to obey laws?
Topic 3. 曾经受到过的帮助
Topic 4. Describe the changes in your hometown
PART3:What does the government ask people to do? What about in the village?
What is different in cities of Australia and your country?
Should people have the right to ask to change things they find uncomfortable in cities?
What are the urgent needs of people in cities? Why they have this changed?
If government plan to change, should they ask locals ‘opinion?
Topic 5. Describe an occasion of being late
Topic 6. naughty thing you did in your childhood 或者 most impressive event in your childhood
PART3:What do you think can be adult? were you naughty when you were a child?
Should children always do what they are told? What are the adults’ responsibilities?
Topic 7. 存钱买的东西
PART3:父母应该买孩子想买的东西吗?孩子怎么存钱买东西?广告对于孩子买东西有什么影响?Do you like shopping, why people like shopping?Do you think is it important for children to know the value of money?There are lot of ads about toy, do you think it will confuse children the value of money?
Topic 8. 一个你想参加的quiz show
PART3:What kind people will attend it? Do the most people want to attend it?
Do you think there'll be more quiz show on TV? Do you like this kind quiz show?你们国家的人最喜欢的quiz show是?小孩喜欢什么样的?老人喜欢什么样的?
你觉得未来quiz show的发展如何?人们看quiz show的时候如果回答不出来问题,会不会觉得自己特别的傻。。。
quiz show比其他节目更有经济效益么?
Why some people dislike quiz show while others like?
Do you think quiz show is educational? What kind of people may attend the show? Do you think people all want to attend the show? Do you think we can see more quiz shows on television?
Are there many competitions in everyday life? Some people say that competition has some disadvantages. Do you agree? Do you think that people are born to be competitive? How to be a competitive person? Do you think it is important for a company to be competitive? Do you think there should be legislation for the company competition?
Do you think young and old people like different things? Do you think the competitive quiz show is good?
Topic 9. 一种wild animal
PART3:Do you like zoos? What characteristics should a good zoo have?
What will zoos be like in the future?
What are the benefits of having a zoo in the city?
Why does each city have a zoo? Why don’t some people like zoos?
Is it right for people to put animals in the zoos, isn’t this bad for them?
How should the government maintain the operation of the zoos?
在同样的时间内,雅思考试的听力有40道题,只能听一遍,BEC高级只有30道题,而且放两遍。那么这两项考试对比,哪个更难,下面,我们一起来详细了解。各个部分的难度比较:(一)听力:雅思:1. 短文填空 (难度:★★★)2. 选择题(单选或双选)+段落选择题 (难度:★★★)3. 选择题+短文填空 (难度:★★★...
很多小伙伴为了出国留学,会选择考雅思。要想考出高分的雅思成绩,那么掌握方法很重要。下面,沪江小编给大家分享应该要怎样才能考到雅思七分,大家可以作为学习的参考。 听读结合法 学习语言的第一步是模仿。模仿的第一步是去“听”和去“看”,这就引出了第一种备考方法——听读结合法。当然,听读结合法的名字也告诉我们,要想学好英语,单单去听或单单去读是没有效果的。最好的方...