Today's advice comes from Ruth Haag, author of the "Taming Your Inner Supervisor" book series and management consultant at Haag Press:
今天的MBA小课堂的嘉宾是著有《驯服内心的导师》等书的作者,同时担任Haag出版社管理顾问一职的Ruth Hagg:
"When a person’s being a little bit too needy, I might wait a day or two just to give it a little break. And then I answer as briefly as possible, although I’m always very polite. That way, the person realizes you’re kind of busy.”
“有时候当某人心急火燎地要你来办事的时候,我会等上一两天再给出答复。然后,我的答复会尽可能简短,但会保持谦虚礼貌的态度。这样,对方也就能体会到 ‘其实你也挺忙的’这一点。”
Running a business can sometimes be overwhelming. With technology playing such an important role in business, clients and customers expect instant communication, whether it's through email, Twitter, or Facebook.
According to Haag, it's okay to give yourself a breather and differentiate what's urgent and what can wait. She advises putting together a weekly frequently-asked-questions form and sending it to clients."
“You probably know what the questions are before people start calling. If you’re proactive, your clients will think how wonderful it is that you anticipate everything they need.”