语法的学习繁琐而又枯燥,市面上厚厚的语法书各式各样。说到雅思,不会语法也不行,那么到底应该怎么办呢?本文将为你解析第一个雅思实用语法,过去进行时。 那个时候我正在做什么呢?本文为你详细解析。
subject + was/were + verb + -ing
Example: He was watching TV.
subject + was/were not + verb + -ing
Example: You weren't watching TV.
was/were + subject + verb + -ing?
Example: Were we watching TV?
The principal uses of the past continuous are listed below.
To set the "background scene" to an event or action. We use the past continuous to describe the background scene and the past simple to describe the event or action:
I saw him at 8 o'clock on Monday morning while he was waiting for the school bus.
I was shopping in a supermarket when I noticed a strange-looking man.
Past Continuous
We may have more than one background scene happening concurrently:
I was lying on my bed and listening to one of my favorite songs.
To emphasize activities which continued for some time but whose exact limits are not known and are not important. Notice the important difference between these two sentences:
For a while last year I was playing football for my local team and teaching English in the local elementary schools. (It doesn't indicate whether the actions were completed or not, or whether they happened concurrently)
Last year I played football for my local team and taught English in the local elementary schools. (It indicates that all of the actions are now complete, and probabley happened in that order)
Note: state verbs cannot be used in any continuous tense.
在同样的时间内,雅思考试的听力有40道题,只能听一遍,BEC高级只有30道题,而且放两遍。那么这两项考试对比,哪个更难,下面,我们一起来详细了解。各个部分的难度比较:(一)听力:雅思:1. 短文填空 (难度:★★★)2. 选择题(单选或双选)+段落选择题 (难度:★★★)3. 选择题+短文填空 (难度:★★★...
很多小伙伴为了出国留学,会选择考雅思。要想考出高分的雅思成绩,那么掌握方法很重要。下面,沪江小编给大家分享应该要怎样才能考到雅思七分,大家可以作为学习的参考。 听读结合法 学习语言的第一步是模仿。模仿的第一步是去“听”和去“看”,这就引出了第一种备考方法——听读结合法。当然,听读结合法的名字也告诉我们,要想学好英语,单单去听或单单去读是没有效果的。最好的方...