


  一直以来,运动都是雅思口语的高频话题之一,对运动类话题的考察贯穿口语的Part1, Part2和Part3三个部分。目前对于运动类话题的常考问题包括Part1中的Do you like sports? What sports do young people in your country like most? Do you do much sport? Do you prefer to do outdoor exercise or indoor exercise?等;Part2中的Describe a sport event you took part in or watched on TV. Describe your favourite sport. Describe a sport that you don't like等;以及Part3中的Do people in your country do many sports? Do you think schools should give more concentration on sports? Do you think children should do many sports once they have the capacity to do so?等等。


  首先我们从最基本的运动词汇入手。在这里笔者要提醒考生的是,当我们讨论到个人最喜欢的运动的时候,要避免一些俗套的回答,比如basketball, 尤其是男生在说到运动的时候的答案简直统一到令人震惊。这对答题的人来说可能更易回答,但对考官来说这种答案让他非常痛苦。随着雅思考试的日益壮大,对于考生口语的要求相应增加了。假设面对两个同样口语水平的考生,考官不再满足于“喜欢篮球”这样的答案,而是更倾向于喜欢那些给出不同回答的考生,这才比较能引起考官的兴趣。所以,建议考生从以下运动类别里面选择,使回答更新颖:jogging 慢跑,tennis 网球,squash 壁球,rugby 橄榄球,judo 柔道,wrestling 摔跤,volleyball 排球,golf 高尔夫球,table tennis 乒乓球,badminton 羽毛球,hockey 曲棍球,ice hockey 冰球,baseball 棒球,cricket 板球,billiards 台球,softball 垒球,aerobics 健美操,body-building 健美,yoga 瑜伽,aquatic sports 水上运动,country sports 乡间户外活动(如打猎、钓鱼、射击、赛马等)。

  而对于喜欢运动的原因,建议考生跳出固定思维,除了回答because it can make me healthy或I can keep my body healthy这种大众化的答案外,给出点不一样东西,先不说会不会让考官眼前一亮,起码考官不会把你归为俗套的那一类考生。所以下面给出一些考生可参考借鉴的关于运动的影响的表达。

  1. 对身体的好处:

  ? Sports allow people to (使某人能够做…)clear their minds of academic and social pressures, to run off the tension(紧张) that’s accumulated (积累) in their muscles.

  ? Playing sports takes your mind off (转移注意力) things that bother you, and afterwards you can concentrate better.

  ? It strengthens heart, lungs, and lower-body (下半身) muscles and bones.

  ? Because sports increase an awareness of one’s body and how it responds to different circumstances (对外界的情况做出反应), sports help prevent drug and alcohol abuse (防止滥用毒品和酒精).

  2. 对个人、儿童的好处:

  ? Sports give people a satisfying and enjoyable way (令人满足并愉悦的方式)to develop their own talents: Doing something well makes them feel good about themselves.

  ? Participation (参与)in sports provides opportunities for leadership and socialization (领导能力和社交), as well as the development of skills for handling success and failure(处理好成功与失败的关系).

  ? Playing sports improve one’s attitude to life because one can learn that confident attitude improves their performance.

  ? Kids who participate in organized (有组织的) sports do better in school, have better interpersonal skills (人际交往技能), are more team-oriented (具有团队精神的), and are generally healthier.

  ? For children, sports are a primary (首要的,基本的)way of socializing (社交)with others. Playing sports improve their social skills.

  ? Sports foster a sense of community(社区意识/集体意识): they give both participants (参与者)and spectators (观众)the experience of belonging to something larger than themselves.


  1. Do you like sports? (Part 1)

  Yes! I love sports and I have been keeping doing sports for years. Tennis has long been my favourite and I play tennis at least once a week. I like sports because they allow me to clear my mind of academic and social pressures, to run off the tension that’s accumulated in my muscles(素材). After that, I can concentrate better on my thing.

  2. Describe a sport event you took part in or watched on TV. (Part 2)

  The day I participated my very first swimming competition during my last year in junior school is a day that I cannot forget for sure. It is unforgettable because I attended this competition only one month after I had been a member of swimming team of my school. I love swimming, but I don't have a thing for competition. Unfortunately, a member of the swimming team got injured so she couldn't attend that competition. The coach contacted me and I agreed. And all because that coach, I cleared my fear of joining a competition as well as that of losing. During the only month, I had to develop my relationship with all members quickly, to adjust my habit and my skills in order to keep pace with other members. During the only month, I found swimming is not only a sport that allows me to clear my mind of academic and social pressures, to run off the tension that’s accumulated in my muscles(素材), but an organized sport that offers me an opportunity to develop my social skill, to give me confidence, and to enhance my skill to handle success and failure(素材). Even though we didn't win that time, I did learn a lot, and I would never forget that competition.

  3. Do you think schools should give more concentration on sports? (Part3)

  Yes, I think so. First of all, doing sports ensures students a healthier physical and mental condition, because doing sports on a regular basis allows students to clear their minds of academic and social pressures, to run off the tension that’s accumulated in their muscles(素材), which for sure paves a way for a more efficient learning. Second, kids who participate in organized sports do better in school, have better interpersonal skills and are more team-oriented(素材). More importantly, participation in sports provides opportunities for leadership and socialization, as well as the development of skills for handling success and failure(素材).


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