


  Task:A friend ofyours wroteyoualetter to askyouwhether his/her child can stay with you for a weekend or not

  Write a letter to him. In your letter. l Agree this request l Suggest the arrval and departure tell your friend what you are planning to do参考范文∶ Dear Elizabeth

  How have you been?Iam so glad to receive yourletter,ithas been such as long time

  since we said goodbye in your city.

  Asyoumentioned in yourletter,you would like your daughterLilyto staywith me for this weekend Itotally agreewhat you required,please knowthatT m always readyto help you at any time.

  Fortheariving time,Isuggest that she arive here at700pm.On Friday night Iwillgo to the train station to pick her up afterIfinish my work

  Considering she needs to studyin the kindergartenon next Monday,Ireckon that 500 pm On Sunday wil be a good time for her to leave here,thoughIfeelalite sadwhen talking about leaving.

  Please don'twory hertime here,Ihave planned various activities forus together.On the evening of her arrvalI' m going to take her to anamazing Japaneseresturant which offers Sushi,Sashimi,roasted Salmon and other tasty ood.Thave neverforgot howdelighted she was when we ate Japanese food last time.

  Another big event forus isto visit Disneyland here.In myimagination,dressher lke a litte princessin pink dress,take the singlelense reflexcamera to have varietyof photos ty those ativities ikerollercoaster,mery-go-round,and so on.But please keepitasecret,i just want to give Lily a big surprise.

  Furthermore,on Sunday Monday,the movie Jungle BookiswhatI dlike to watch with her for thewish thatshe could be as brave as that boyin the future.But please do not

  These are allof myarangements, ifthere is any suggestion pleasetellmein the reply by the way Irelly can't wait to spend a wonderfulweekend with ily.




  1.Iam writing to seeifitis possible foryou to provide me with information regarding French courses.


  2.Ilearnt from Washington Post that you are providing French courses.我从《华盛顿邮报>上得知您能提供法去语课程。 3.1 am an engineer with a famous company.我是一家著名公司的工程师。

  4.Iam told that you live near my house and you can provide French courses.


  5 Your French courses have aroused my great interest您的法语课程激发起我极大的兴趣。

  6.I would like to obtain some useful information on your French courses.我想得知有关您的法语课程的一些有用信息。

  7.In addition, if you couldletme have details of French courses.Iwould be more than grateful.


  8.Ifyou could send me information regarding this French course,Id be the most grateful.


  9.Ilookforward to receiving the information at your earliest convenience.期待尽早收到的信息

  10.Ishall appreciate ifyou could send me detailed information regarding the courses如果您能够毒合我课程的详细信息,我将会感激不尽。 11. Thank you for your time.谢谢您在首忙之中抽出时间看的信。


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