

一、比较级 than 不定代词(any/other/the other)

1.比较级 than the

others(or:any other 名词复数)

English is more widely used than the others.英语比其他(语言)使用得更广泛。

Li Lei ran much faster than the other boys.李磊比其他男生跑得快得多。

2.比较级 than any

others(or:any other 名词单数)

The new reporter does everything more carefully than any others.那个新来的记者无论做什么都比别的记者仔细。

I think Chinese is more popular than any other subject.我认为汉语比任何别的科目更受欢迎。

3.比较级 than anybody(anything)else

He thought the Prime Minister a wise, honest man who was fitter for his office than anyone else.他认为丞相是个聪明、诚实的人,他比任何人都称职。

Elizabeth loved music than anything else.伊丽莎白热爱音乐胜过一切。

4.比较级 than sb./sth.and sb./sth.

Mike draws more slowly than Tom and John.迈克比汤姆和约翰画得都慢。

Kate's skirt is more beautiful than mine and my sister's.凯特的裙子比我的和我妹妹的都漂亮。

5.比较级 than any

of the others(or:any of the other 名词复数)

The horse was lame because with one foot he left a track much lighter than any of the others.这匹马腿瘸,因为它一只蹄子留下的蹄印比别的蹄印浅得多。

He speaks English better than any of the other boys in his class.在班里他的英语讲得比其他任何男孩都好。

6.no(no one,nobody,nothing)… 比较级… than

Nobody(No one)can speaks French more fluently

than the returned studentin this department.在这个系里谁也没有那个归国留学生法语讲得流利。

We went no farther than the bridge.我们走到桥边就不再向前走了。

Nothing in the world is more expensive than his those books.没有比他的那些书更珍贵的了。

7.比较级 than all

the others

This TV set is bigger than all the others.这台电视机比别的都大。

8.no other… 比较级 than

No other boy is more diligent than he in the class.在班里没有别的男孩比他更用功的了。


1.top n.顶点、顶端 adj.头等的、最高的

If we won this match,we would be top!如果我们赢了这场比赛,我们将是冠军。

She chose a top horse and took a ride around the hill.她选了一匹头等的马,然后骑上马绕小山兜了一圈。

2.bottom n.底,尽头 adj.最底部的、最后的

Who came bottom in the exam?这次考试谁垫底?

3.peak n.高峰、顶点 adj.高峰的、最高的

Traffic accidents reach their peak at the weekends.周末的交通事故发生的次数最频繁。

三、单数主语 部分介词(短语) 复数名词

1.ahead of 复数名词

He runs ahead of all the other boys.他跑在所有别的男孩的前头。

2.than(连词) 复数名词

She draws better than we all.她画得比我们大家都好。

3.before 复数名词

The disabled boy always comes to school before everyone else.那个残疾的男孩来校总是比班里其他人来得早。

4.among 复数名词

She is a pearl among women.她在女同胞中是个佼佼者。

5.over 复数名词

The general is over us in the office.这位将军的职务比我们都高。

另外,“only(或right) 名词”也可以表示“最……”的概念。例如:

She is the only person for the job.她是这项工作的最佳人选。

For this position,the learned is the right man.就这个职位来说,那个学者是最佳人选。

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