雅思作文检查列表 Checklist
Here is my 8 point checklist to help you include the relevant details. Isuggest you use it to check your own work: you should be able to answer “yes”toall the questions.
1. Type of diagram 图表类型
Have you correctly identified whether it is a bar chart/line graph/piechart/flow chart/table?
2. The correct tense 时态
Have you correctly identified whether the data in the chart relates to pasttime, a current state of affairs or a future prediction? This includes not justusing the correct tenses but also including specific times in your report.
3. The subjects 对象
Have you included all the subjects that are referred to in the diagram?Even if you have a bar chart ortable naming 8 different countries for example,you still need to refer to them all in your report.
4. Units
Have you included references to the units? These may be units of time(months/years etc), money (millions of £) or simple numbers (10,000s). To dothis, you need to read the x and y axes carefully.
5. Highs and lows/Beginnings and ends/Biggest and smallest
Have you included the extremes shown in the diagram? In nearly all chartsand graphs these are key features to include as they give the reader a frame forunderstanding the chart or graph. When there is a lot of data, you may notinclude every extreme so you need to use your judgement.
I 背景介绍无论是从大多数考生备考雅思的过程中,还是从历年来雅思考试四项的中国考生平均分里,我们了解到中国考生在雅思写作方面非常薄弱。因为写作是最能体现个人的语言运用能力和水平的,所以不像其他课程可以通过短期的特训得到很快的提高,它要求考生花时间对词汇,句型,语法等等内容的整理,记忆,以及运用。在具体写作的过程中,老师以及考生遇到的棘手问题就包括对...
高频难度的雅思写作话题整理。雅思作文考试近年涌现大量的难题。难题的难,体现在很难找到恰当和合理的观点,也体现在相关词汇的缺乏。准备考试的朋友们,不妨看看这些题目,想想观点,试着写写,衡量一下自己的作文能力。今天我们就为大家整理了高频难度的雅思写作话题整理,一起来了解一下吧。 1.Some people think that universities should prov...
在雅思写作中,一些高级的词汇会让文章看起来更加的有深度,也能够更好的展现考生的英语水平,所以记忆一些高级的雅思词汇是非常有必要的。今天我们就为大家整理了高端雅思写作词汇整理,一起来了解一下吧。 1. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to b...
雅思写作对于我们中国考生来说,是相对比较难的一部分,很多考生在这一部分的分数普遍都不高。那么为了方便各位考生更好地备考雅思,沪江小编特整理了雅思写作高效的学习方法有哪些,希望可以帮助到各位考生的备考。 一、切合主题很重要 那么到底如何才能更好提高雅思写作水平呢?为以后的留学生活铺路呢?写作文的话,无论是中文还是英文,切合主...
中国有句话叫做“万事开头难”,在面对雅思考试的时候,很多考生都想要在雅思写作中取得好的成绩,但是如何写一个好的开头吸引人成了很多考生思考的问题,今天我们就为大家整理了高分雅思写作:避免模板式开头,下面我们就一起来看一看吧。 Nowadays, more and more people concern about the education. Some people thi...