高级语法使用(Higher Level Grammar)
The early farmers kept various animals, including cattle and sheep. There’s also evidence of pigs, but it is possible that these could have been descended from the native wild species….so we must assume that form the beginnings of Neolithic farming the number of breeding sheep would have considerably exceeded three hundred, and the national catle erd must have been of a similar size…but this method would have severely restricted the range of the colonising fleets. The sheer volume of animal transport necessary means it’s unlikely that this livestock could have been brought from anywhere further than England…the body of the plough would have been of wood and could have been drawn by people, but it’s also likely that cattle were used… however, after the axe had been chipped into shape, they needed water and sand for grinding and polishing, so a high mountainside wouldn’t have been an appropriate place for this. So this final stage of the manufacture must have been carried out close to water and sure enough, there’s ample evidence of this at coastal sites… after firing, the outside was often polished. This would have helped the pots of retain water, as they weren’t glazed… this could have been an limitation of earlier vessels which were made of leather sewn onto wood.
以上我们选取了剑桥6 test3 section 4中的听力原文进行分析,因为场景是关于新石器时代的畜牧,农耕和陶器制作等的讲座,所以需要大量地表达对过去事实的推测,因此我们可以听到频繁地出现了情态动词+动词完成时的结构:
Could+ have done:表示“过去本来可以做某事,但实际上没有做”
Would+ have done:表示对过去事情的假设,意思是“本来会做”
Must+ have done:用于肯定句,表示“过去一定做过某事”,表示一种很有把握的推测。
should (ought to) have done :表示过去应该做而(实际)没有做的事情,含有责备或遗憾的语气,意为“本应该……”
needn’t have done:表示过去没有必要做某事,但实际上做了某事
may/might have done:表示对过去情况的一种不太有把握的可能性推测,表示“过去可能/大概已做了某事”
Part 1:
When was the last time you gave flowers to someone?
What subjects are you studying?
Why did you choose to study that subject?
Part 2:
Describe an antique or some other old thing that your family has kept for a long time.
You should say:
what it is
when your family first got this thing
how long your family has kept it
and explain why this thing is important to your family.
在同样的时间内,雅思考试的听力有40道题,只能听一遍,BEC高级只有30道题,而且放两遍。那么这两项考试对比,哪个更难,下面,我们一起来详细了解。各个部分的难度比较:(一)听力:雅思:1. 短文填空 (难度:★★★)2. 选择题(单选或双选)+段落选择题 (难度:★★★)3. 选择题+短文填空 (难度:★★★...
很多小伙伴为了出国留学,会选择考雅思。要想考出高分的雅思成绩,那么掌握方法很重要。下面,沪江小编给大家分享应该要怎样才能考到雅思七分,大家可以作为学习的参考。 听读结合法 学习语言的第一步是模仿。模仿的第一步是去“听”和去“看”,这就引出了第一种备考方法——听读结合法。当然,听读结合法的名字也告诉我们,要想学好英语,单单去听或单单去读是没有效果的。最好的方...