剑桥雅思7-第三套试题-口语部分-Part 3真题部分:
PART 3 Discussion topics:
Competitions in school
Example questions:
Why do you think some school teachers use competitions as class activities? Do you think it is a good thing to give prizes to children who do well at school? Why? Would you say that schools for young children have become more or less competitive since you were that age? Why?
Sporting competitions
Example questions:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of intensive training for young sportspeople? Some people think that competition leads to a better performance from sports stars. Others think it just makes players feel insecure. What is your opinion? Do you think that it is possible to become too competitive in sport? In what way?
PART 3真题解析
Competitions in school
1. Why do you think some school teachers use competitions as class activities?
I think one important responsibility of teachers is to promote the students’ desire to be someone strong and prepare them for the future. Competition never sleeps. This is an awareness without which anyone joining the labour market would not succeed. It's always better to realize the cruelty before the students get shocked in the future.
promote促进 awareness认识
labour market劳动力市场 get shocked被震惊
2. Do you think it is a good thing to give prizes to children who do well at school? Why?
答题技巧:学校中的奖励机制对孩子来说是不是件好事?考生可以根据个人想法,谈论一下奖励对孩子们的利弊。好处可以是成为孩子们的动力(motivation),当然坏处也是有的,例如:孩子们会追求物质财富(chase material possessions)或者思想变得现实(realistic).
Yes, I do think so. For one thing, people by nature make all their efforts to gain the most pleasure and avoid pain. Children love games and having fun indeed, and they hate study. So if a child achieves something at school, a prize will apparently enhance his or her sense of satisfactory, which has always resulted in constant good performance. For the other, those children who cannot get the prize would feel that they want the same thing. Then prizes become a strong motivator for them.
by nature生性,本性 pain痛苦
apparently显然地 enhance加强,增强
sense of satisfactory满足感 constant持续的
3. Would you say that schools for young children have become more or less competitive since you were that age? Why?
I would say, as far as I know, schools in China have become more competitive. Children in primary schools are requested by their parents and teachers to learn the knowledge for secondary school students, only as a preparation for their future school entrance examination. Once they pass the exam, the vicious circle continues. Secondary school students spend a huge amount of time doing studies much beyond their capability. It was not like this when I was a child. I had more fun and more time to enjoy myself.
primary school小学 secondary school中学
entrance examination入学考试 vicious circle恶性循环
beyond capability超出能力范围
Sporting competitions
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of intensive training for young sports people?
答题技巧:这里,只要能明白intensive training——大强度训练的含义就比较好回答了。这是正反论证的话题,考生可以分别描述一下优缺点。当然,这是和运动相关的问题,如果实在不了解,可以和考官说明自己是个门外汉(1ayman),只要观点充分,一样是不错的答案。
I'm only a layman in this field, so I'm not so confident of judging whether there's any advantage or disadvantage. I could only answer the question according to my own knowledge. I think if intensive training is necessary for a particular sport, it's better to start early than doing it when someone is not physically qualified anymore. There normally seems to be a short career life for sportspeople, perhaps an early start brings a lengthened career.
layman门外汉 physically qualified身体上
career life职业生涯 lengthened延长的
2. Some people think that competition leads to a better performance from sports stars. Others think it just makes players feel insecure. What is your opinion?
I agree with the latter view. Personally I think laziness is an inborn nature of people, and only could we make progress when there's strong pressure and motivation for success, or even the threat of being punished for being a loser. Competition is a good and effective approach to force one to pursue greater achievement and greater honour.
latter后面的 laziness懒惰
inborn nature天性 loser失败者
3. Do you think it is possible to become too competitive in sport? In what way?
No, never. If we find something very or too competitive, it seems we are either not qualified or even incompetent or there are people who are equally competent or even stronger. I would say it's a good way to motivate people, I mean, to motivate some people, because there are always someone who are incapable of taking responsibility and facing threats. And it's the same for sportspeople in their search for the infinity of humankind.
incompetent无能力的 equally同样地,同等地
motivate激励 incapable无能力的
infinity无限 humankind人类
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