在剑八Test 1 Passage 3的“Telepathy”一文中得以体现。
In this case, such signals might be more easily detected by those experiencing meditation-like tranquility in a relaxing ‘whole field’ of light, sound and warmth. (他们所处的“整个领域”有着令人放松的灯光、怡人的声音和温暖的环境)
此句列举“light, sound and warmth”正好对应Question 28 Reports of experience during meditation indicated(冥想实验报告显示)的正确选项B the need to create a suitable environment for telepathy(需要为心灵感应术创造一个合适的环境)。
除此以外,剑五G类阅读的“Lack of sleep”一文中也有类似例子。
For many people, lack of sleep is rarely a matter of choice. Some have problems getting to sleep, others with staying asleep until the morning. Despite popular belief that sleep is one long event, research shows that, in an average night, there are five stages of sleep and four cycles, during which the sequence of stages is repeated. In the first light phase, the heart rate and blood pressure go down and the muscles relax. In the next two stages, sleep gets progressively deeper. In stage four, usually reached after an hour, the slumber is so deep that, if awoken, the sleeper would be confused and disorientated. It is in this phase that sleep-walking can occur, with an average episode lasting no more than 15 minutes. In the fifth stage, the rapid eye movement (REM) stage, the heartbeat quickly gets back to normal levels, brain activity accelerates to daytime heights and above and the eyes move constantly beneath closed lids as if the sleeper is looking at something. During this stage, the body is almost paralysed. This REM phase is also the time when we dream.
此段中,考生在扫读时只要抓住“In the first light phase, In the next two stages, In stage four, In the fifth stage”这些表示顺序的并列关系连接词,全段的脉络当下立现:睡眠的各个阶段和不同周期。文章后面对应的“段落信息配对题”Question 35题干“the process involved during sleep”就立刻能与此段对应起来了。
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