Example 4
原文:The Mayans also showed their respect for hurricanes by building their major settlements away from the hurricane-prone coast-line.
题目:The Mayans lost many of their major settlements because of hurricanes.
分析:尽管题目和原文中有对应的词出现:The Mayans和major settlements,但是题目中的因果关系在文章中并没有体现。也没于出现有关“lost”的相应表述。因此我们可以判断此题为not given。
2. What is the keyword? 什么是关键词
Select ONE keyword from each of the following:
Networking is not a modern idea.
People fall into two basic categories.
All teachers are cynics.
The first piece of Hesse’s art has little effect on visitors to the gallery.
The New Forest has already been made into a National Park.
Suggested answers:
little or perhaps first
The suggested answers I’ve given may not seem that obvious to the students who would possibly consider keywords such as 'modern' or 'New Forest' as more significant. However, the keywords shown have a greater significance in terms of the meaning of the whole statement and illustrate a number of traps in the test. For instance:
我所给出的参考答案又有可能对学生来说不是那么明显。学生有可能认为诸如”modern”或”New Forest” 这一类关键词更重要一些。但是,根据整个题目的意义来说,参考答案所给出的关键词更加重要,而且体现了考试出题的陷阱。请看以下例子的分析:
not makes the statement negative as opposed to possibly being positive in the text
two determines a specific number of categories which may differ in the text.
all determines that every teacher is a cynic and not a proportion of.
little has a negative connotation as opposed to 'a little' another one to watch out for is 'few' and 'a few'
already shows that the New Forest was made into a National Park in the past and is not a future proposal i.e. an indication of past, present or future time.
These examples hence illustrate the importance of looking out for: negativity, a specific number, the whole or a proportion of, positive and negative connotation and reference to time. Other ones to watch out for include:
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