


  Interpretation and Interpreter


  A. Although the terms interpretation and translation are often used interchangeably, by strict definition, interpretation refers to the spoken language, and translation to the written language.


  B. A competent translator should be very acquainted with the following points: A detailed knowledge of the subject matter is equally as important as academic knowledge of the language pairs, in certain cases (technical manuals for example) it plays a greater role. An ability to write well is also important. Proofreading and editing is a good way to break into the industry and the skills gained will help you later on; Although a degree may not be absolutely necessary, a qualification in translation is important; Practice the language! Take a language course or work towards a degree or whatever you feel is appropriate. Read newspapers in that language and keep abreast of the culture, listen to music and news from that country ff able to. Travel to the country as often as you are able to; No course of study will ever be 100% perfect. Only you can judge whether it is the right one to meet your needs; Those basic qualifications will help one get started but after that it is one's experience on the job and performance as a translator that counts; There are more opportunities for freelance translators than In-House; Attend local translation events and seminars. It will not only help one learn more about different subjects, it will also help one make contacts in the translation and interpreting field.


  C. interpretation is generally categorized into consecutive interpretation and simultaneous interpretation. The former refers to the circumstance where the interpreter waits until a complete statement has been spoken and then begins interpreting (so only one person is speaking at a time). It is used primarily to interpret witness testimony, a situation in which everyone in the courtroom needs to hear the interpretation. Simultaneous interpretation is generally considered inappropriate for witness testimony -- unless the courtroom is equipped with wireless equipment for that purpose -- because hearing two voices at once is too distracting.


  D. A court interpreter is anyone who interprets in a civil or criminal court proceeding ( e.g., arraignment, motion, pretrial conference, preliminary hearing, deposition, trial) for a witness or defendant who speaks or understands little or no English.


  E. Court interpreters must accurately interpret for individuals with a high level of education and an expansive vocabulary, as well as persons with very limited language skills without changing the language register of the speaker. For the other languages, the following self-study techniques are suggested: (1) expand your vocabulary, (2) develop your own glossaries, and (3) develop interpreting techniques, namely, consecutive interpretation, simultaneous interpretation, and sight translation.






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