

沪江小编:对于商界精英们来说,阅读《金融时报》(Financial Times)几乎成了每天的必修课。FT文章以分析为主,逻辑严密,经常被各类考试用作考题。非常适合学习BEC、TOEIC、GRE、GMAT的考生来阅读、练习。沪江小编精选FT上的双语文章,配上独家的学习指南,从词汇、短语、句式、文化、翻译等多方面来解读,长期坚持,相信会对英语学习有所帮助。


European executive pay has come under attack for the second time in less than a week after Swiss voters overwhelmingly backed curbs on corporate wages that snatch the power away from company boards.

The move comes on the heels of European-wide steps last Thursday to address top management pay, which has been a lightning rod for public anger across the world since the financial crisis.

EU proposals to cap bankers’ bonuses at twice their salary have stunned the City of London, with senior bankers warning that the cap will drive top staff to Asia or New York and eventually prompt a shift in operations from London. “This will have consequences,” said one high-ranking executive at a leading investment bank in London.

The referendum in Switzerland has introduced an even broader set of curbs after 68 per cent of voters approved rules that include giving shareholders a binding say on executive pay; banning golden hellos and goodbyes; requiring annual re-elections for directors; and threatening criminal sanctions for non-compliance.

Brigitta Moser-Harder, an activist shareholder who spearheaded the yes-campaign together with entrepreneur Thomas Minder, said that the result, one of the most emphatic yes-votes ever in a Swiss referendum, sent a clear signal to companies both within and beyond Switzerland’s borders.

“The EU is already capping bankers’ bonuses and now the Swiss people has spoken very clearly as well. The message to company boards and managers is: you have to rein in executive pay,” she said.

Britain plans to mount a last-ditch attempt to revise the EU bonus cap at a meeting of finance ministers on Tuesday with chancellor George Osborne trying to gather opposition to the proposal. But while Mr Osborne is fighting to change some details, the prospects of a big reversal are slim. An overwhelming majority of EU member states is willing to sign up to the political deal reached with the European parliament, which is part of legislation to enact a sweeping overhaul of bank capital rules.


1.Word of the day

snatch: If something is snatched from you, it is stolen, usually using force.If a person is snatched, they are taken away by force. 强抢;夺走

ex:If your bag is snatched, let it go.

小编注:不知你是否看过一部名叫《Snatch》的电影,在电影中,小偷、劫匪、黑帮以及布拉德皮特扮演的骗子为了一颗价值连城的钻石上演了一场无厘头的大乱斗,该片中文名被翻译成了《偷拐抢骗》,真是把snatch这个单词的含义发挥得淋漓尽致。snatch一词主要有“用暴力手段强抢”的意思,例句中介绍了“抢包”的说法,此外我们也可以说somebody snatches victory from the jaws of defeat,“从失败的嘴里夺回了胜利”,那就意味着“反败为胜”。在本文中snatch的含义也是“夺走”,然而文中“夺走”的就不是什么钻石了,而是比钻石更值钱的董事会的权力。

2.Phrase of the day

last-ditch attempt: a last-ditch action is done only because there are no other ways left to achieve something or to prevent something happening.It is often done without much hope that it will succeed. 孤注一掷;最后一搏

ex:a last-ditch attempt to prevent civil war.

3.Sentence of the day

The move comes on the heels of European-wide steps last Thursday to address top management pay, which has been a lightning rod for public anger across the world since the financial crisis.

小编注:heel的意思是脚后跟,come on the heels of 按字面意思很容易能联想到“紧接着”这个含义,有点类似中文成语“接踵而至”但含义并不相同,可以翻译成“紧随其后”,此处译文简练地用“此前”带出了两件事的前后关系,是新闻的常见译法。address一词在此句中的意思与我们常用的“地址”、“发表演说”等意思不同,而是解释为“对付;处理;设法了解并解决”,这是需要关注的一点。同样的用法例如:
ex1:Mr King sought to address those fears when he spoke at the meeting.
ex2:Throughout the book we have addressed ourselves to the problem of ethics.

4.Cultural point of the day

cap与hat的区别: cap和hat中文里都解释为帽子,cap一般没有帽檐,但会有帽舌(就像棒球帽或警察制服的帽子),而hat是指有檐的帽,如女孩夏天用来遮阳的帽子,或是英国绅士戴的那种礼帽。文中cap的用法类似篮球迷熟悉的“NBA工资帽”——"salary cap",属于cap的引申义。而足球迷熟悉的“帽子戏法”则叫做"hat-trick",最早来自板球术语。

5.Translation of the day

The referendum in Switzerland has introduced an even broader set of curbs after 68 per cent of voters approved rules that include giving shareholders a binding say on executive pay; banning golden hellos and goodbyes; requiring annual re-elections for directors; and threatening criminal sanctions for non-compliance.



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