今天小编为大家准备了BEC中级真题第5辑精听:Test 1-Part Two(5),一起来做听力练习吧!
Twenty one.
I know why you want Smithson's they're the biggest in the field and they've got years of experience.
The disadvantage is the price. They're the best so they can charge what they like. Personally, I'd prefer to go for someone local like Mackays. They're small, so we could negotiate a favourable deal, and I'm sure they'd do their best to deliver the stuff on time and help us if we had an emergency job and needed extra materials.
Twenty two.
Jones and Sons have always been our haulage company and they've been reliable. But things changed when Michael Jones took over. The service wasn't so efficient and then last month two trucks were four days late on a delivery with no explanation and no apologies. As a result, we lost a new customer. I refuse to just accept that financial loss. So write to Jones please, demanding ten per cent of our expected profit from that contract. I think it's only fair.
Jones and Sons公司一直是我们的运输公司,他们很可靠。但当迈克尔·琼斯接手后,情况发生了变化。服务效率不高,上个月两辆卡车晚了四天才交货,没有任何解释,也没有道歉。结果,我们失去了一位新客户。我拒绝接受经济上的损失。所以请写信给琼斯,要求从那份合同中得到我们预期利润的10%。我认为这是公平的。
2012年11月BEC初级考试已于11月24日结束,介于目前还没有真题以及较权威的答案版本,沪江小编先将一份沪江网校学员与沪友的回忆版真题及答案送上,仅供参考。该真题及答案为沪江网首发!同时欢迎参加考试的同学们一起来交流,回忆真题,本文将持续更新!沪江网用户参与讨论请戳>>> (PS:沪...