
BEC中级:听力Part 2配对题样题


You will hear another five recordings.
For each recording, decide what reason each person gives.
Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.
Do not use any letter more than once.
After you have listened once, replay the recordings.


18.G    19.E    20.C   21.B   22.H


Man: We were having problems with the company we normally use so we looked at a number of other companies and decided to give this one a try. They’re just new in the business and we were impressed as they promised they would deliver the goods we wanted within 2 days and they did. We had to pay more than we would have liked but the results were worth it. Since then, I’ve told a lot of other people about them.

关键句:they promised they would deliver the goods we wanted within 2 days and they did. 可见,本段强调的重点是两天的承诺,速度快,于是选择G.

Woman: Apparently they’re an established company in Scotland with an excellent reputation, but I didn’t know that at the time. I found them through the Internet. I was just browsing through the list of suppliers one day and I noticed their name. I looked them up and found that they had this fantastic discount available that particular month. We ordered various things and the quality was so good we’ve continued using them.

关键句:they had this fantastic discount available that particular month. 强调的重点是非常可观的折扣.虽然大家会在原文中听到excellent reputation,但是要注意的是 but I didn’t know that at the time.这句话,这位女生那个时候并不知道这家公司,于是大家不要刚刚听到一个选项中出现的词就匆忙作出选择。根据全文,于是应该选择E.

Man: We like to try out different suppliers to make sure we’re always getting the best deal. This particular company was running a big publicity campaign. I’d seen the ads on TV and they really put me off. I just couldn’t see the appeal. But then someone I met at a training day told me we should use them. His company had used their service for years with no complains so we followed his advice.

关键句:someone I met at a training day told me we should use them.看到了吧,熟人的推荐永远占先机呢。要注意的是虽然文中出现This particular company was running a big publicity campaign. I’d seen the ads on TV这句话,可是呢,要注意朗读者之后说出they really put me off. 这些宣传让他很失望,因此千万不要选A,于是选择 to us意思是吸引我们。

Woman: We’ve looked around the market to find the cheapest deal possible but to be honest there wasn’t much to choose, in terms of cost, between any of the local suppliers. However, we had a visit from a sales representative from one company and we asked him to make up some complimentary printed letterheads for us. They were exactly what we wanted so that was the deciding factor. I think that personal touch gives a company far better results than advertising ever can.

关键句:we asked him to make up some complimentary printed letterheads for us. They were exactly what we wanted so that was the deciding factor.这句话的意思是:我们要求这位供应商代表为他们免费印一些信纸。

根据辞典,complimentary: free of charge by the producer or owner (生产者或所有者给的)赠品: a complimentary seat, ticket, copy of a book 优待席﹑ 赠券﹑ 赠书.
something is complimentary, you do not have to pay for it: FREE: All guests will receive a complimentary bottle of champagne.


Man: Obviously there are many different factors to consider when you choose a new supplier. We always used a local company because they were relatively near and we could even pick things up ourselves if necessary. But unfortunately, they just became so expensive. Now that express delivery services are widely available, distance is no longer a consideration and we’ve been able to choose someone who can give us the best package for the lowest cost.

关键句: But unfortunately, they just became so expensive. 和we’ve been able to choose someone who can give us the best package for the lowest cost. 整段话都在强调价格方面的问题。于是,根据本段整体,于是选择H.

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