今天小编为同学们整理了BEC中高级口语常考话题:Staff turnover(员工离职),一起来看看吧!
Some people are just leaving for individual reasons,such as private problemsconcerning family,career growth,etc. More and more people are now pursing for boundary-less careers.They place premium on flexibility and capacity to do several kind of jobs,to learn new things, and adapt quickly to different group setting.
Have some problems concerning the management style of our company.We shouldexamine our succeeding planning,our motivation programs and appraisal system.Several times we have failed to promote high-potential managerial staff to a higher position.We should make full use of job rotation and transfer to motivate theemployees.
good salary People who get a fairly good salary do not always thinkabout changing their jobs.Everyone wants to get a good salary,so money is the firstthing to consider in choosing a job.&High salary is always the key attraction to thegood staff. People can get high job satisfaction from the high salary.
bonus to those who work hard
in staff satisfaction by providing them with a democratic the communication line open solve problems as they emerge
psychological consultancy advice so that employees can better adjust themselves to their work pressure.
career planing A successful career planing can lead people to a satisfying and rewarding lifestyle.
High staff turnover will induce replacement and training cost,cause tense andstress,increase workloads,decline employee's morale and decrease productivity.
公开课地点:CCTalk商务活动室时间:4月24日(星期三) 20:10 - 21:10主讲老师:魏峰...
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BEC商务英语考试,也许会让很多人头疼。但是如果你已经决定要去报考了,就要把紧张害怕的情绪放下,积极的备考才是正道。如果你报考的是BEC中级甚至是高级的考试,那么就要明白这条路绝不平坦。下面就是BEC中高级单词知识点,一起了解一下吧。 01 His parents were simple people. 他父母很朴实。 重点...