Dear Herb:
I was a mite surprised at the gift presented to you on the occasion of your retirement party—a really beautiful set of golf clubs. I happen to know that you are not a golfer, and when I asked someone about the gift, the answer was:“That's what Sheila said Herb wanted most of all. He doesn't play now, but he's determined to learn.”
Of course, I shouldn't be surprised. You've been constantly pursuing new challenges throughout your 45 years at Watson-Ferguson, and I can't think of one that you didn't master. It's that fierce determination—tempered with a delightful wit and practical-mindedness—that has made you such an outstanding financial executive. Why not golf, indeed!
We will miss you, naturally but our gloom is brightened somewhat by our vision of your chasing the little white ball all over Hilton Head Island. That, by the way, sounds like a lot more fun than juggling debentures and arguing with? security? analysts? Mary joins me in wishing for you and Sheila many happy years in the Sun Belt. Be sure to drop in on the folks here at W-F when you get to Cleveland.
Best personal regards.
BEC全称Business English Certificate,也就是我们俗称的商务英语证书。这项考试是由教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作,于1993年开始举办的考试。BEC分为初级、中级和高级三个级别,如果英语基础较好,可以直接考高级,下面小编为大家分享高级商务英语的考试流程?一起来看看吧!一.高级商务英语的考试流程...