ss operation pattern 商业运作模式
e.g. The computerInternet is transforming business operation patterns and contributing to whatis called the new information economy.
ss executive 企业主管人员
3. business-formatfranchise 经营模式特许(店)
e.g. Business-formatfranchises are characterized by an ongoing business relationship betweenfranchisor and franchisee that includes not only the product, service andtrademark but the entire business concept itself.
4. business-formatfranchising 经营模式特许权(特许授予者向特许经营者提供一个完整的经营模式,其中包括商标的使用、提供销售的商品或服务,经营手法、品质控制、市场策划、选择经营地点及其他必要的服务等,较显着的例子是麦当劳餐厅)
5. business hours 营业时间、办公时间
e.g. Normalbusiness hours are between 9 am and 5 pm.
正常营业时间是上午9点到下午5 点。
6. business overdraft 商业透支,业务透支(银行提供给客户的短期贷款,使客户可支取多于其在银行帐户的金额)
e.g. A businessoverdraft would be most suitable for short-term loans.
7. business partner 商业伙伴
e.g. We work forlasting relationship with our business partners.
8. business plan 经营计划(包括在一定时期提高销量、开发新产品,以及如何筹措资金、资源等)
e.g. The bank managerwants to see a business plan before agreeing to lend money.
9. business practice 经营方式
e.g. Changing businesspractice have encouraged companies to move to brand-new premises.
10. businessprocess(ing) re-engineering 业务流程重组,简称BPR
11. business sense 商业头脑,经商能力
e.g. We need to employsomeone with (a) good business sense and social skills.
12. business teams 企业管理团队
e.g. Today’s business teams take many forms and handle many tasks.
13. Business TelecardInternational 国际商务电话卡,简称BTI
e.g. You can use yourBusiness Telecard International at any card phone in theUK.
14. business trip 公务旅行,出差
e.g. She’s gone to Parison a business trip.
她出差到巴黎去了1. buyer'smarket (供过于求的)买方市场
e.g. An unusually goodsummer created a buyer's market in tomatoes.
When there is abuyer's market, the provision of a bond can be made an essential condition forthe granting of the contract.
15. buy-out 全面收购(产权或股份等),全部买下市场产品
e.g. The buy-out seemed to benefit both companies,sending shares in both soaring around 15%.
16. by-product 副产品
e.g. Skimmed milk powder is a by-product of butterproduction.
17. cable license 有限电视许可证
18. cafeteria plan 自助餐式计划(员工可以从一系列的选项中做出选择)
e.g. Cafeteria plans are an innovative, new way foryou to save tax dollars while receiving the best in fringe benefit plans.
19. callback 电话回话(服务)
e.g Callback services, most of which are garage-sidestart-ups, have soared in popularity and sophistication in the last severalyears.
20. call-blocking 呼叫限制(服务)
e.g. Some phone companies in theUSalreadyoffer call-blocking service, allowing the user to block calls from numbers thatare proving a nuisance.
21. Call center 电话销售中心,电话销售点,呼叫中心
e.g. With a call center you don’t have to pay highrents for good high street locations or pay commission to brokers and agents.
22. caller ID 来电显示(服务)
e.g. Caller ID is a service that tells people who iscalling before they answer the phone.
23. Call forwarding 呼叫转送(服务)
e.g. Services such as call forwarding are also available.
24. Call-in Medical Care 电话求医市场
25. camcorder (便携式)摄像机,由camera +recorder构成。
26. campaign 宣传活动
e.g. The company is planning a new advertisingcampaign to increase sales.
27. canteen 职工食堂
e.g. Subsidised canteen is one of staff benefits.
28. capacity 生产能力
e.g. There will be the capacity problem when thecompany is already producing the maximum quantity possible, but there is demandfor more.
29. capital allowance 投资税额减免(给予某些资本投资,如机器、车辆等折旧的减免优惠)
e.g. To encourage greater capital investment thegovernment has announced higher [capital allowances in the coming year.
30. capital asset 资本资产(属于企业、预期可以长期使用的土地、机器、车辆等)
e.g. The company has capital assets worth £3 million.
31. capital expenditure 资本投资,基本建设投资(用于生产所需的土地、建筑物、机器、运输工具及原料等)
e.g. The capital expenditure in the canteen, sportscenter and staff room will benefit the whole company.
32. capital growth 资本增值
e.g. An investment in shares with a low income may beacceptable if the chances of capital growth look good.
33. capital-intensive 资本密集
e.g. “Capital-intensive” refers to an industry needinga large amount of capital to produce its products, e.g. the petroleum industry,the electricity industry.
34. capital investment 资本投资,基本建设投资(用于生产所需的机器、厂房等)
e.g. Capital investment for the year stands at £6000.
35. capital sum (保险公司在指定日期给被保险人的)一次性总付,总括性付款
e.g. When the insurance policy matures, the insuredperson will receive the capital sum agreed.
36. captive market 垄断市场(产品或供应商方面缺乏选择)
e.g. The water company which supplies the region,having no competitors, enjoys a captive market.
37. cardaholic 习惯用信用卡透支购物的人
38. career development 职业发展
e.g. Most employees have come to accept that careerdevelopment is not always the same thing as upward promotion and a highersalary.
39. career management 职业发展管理,人事管理,前程管理(指企业致力促进员工个人发挥潜力,并使之与企业的成长相配合)
e.g. Employers need to rethink their approach tocareer management completely.
40. career planning 职业规划,前程规划,职业生涯规划
e.g. You should build job rotation into your careerplanning.
41. career prospects 职业前程,职业前景
e.g. We offer unlimited career prospects within ourmanagement team here and overseas.
42. care for people 以人为本
e.g. Our success is a result of quality, safer andcaring for people and the environment.
43. caretaker 大楼管理员,亦作janitor(美)
e.g. The caretaker locks the building at 8 pm everyevening.
44. cargo division 货运部门
e.g. The excellent performance from the cargo divisionhas helped increase the company’s overall results.
45. car hire (英)汽车出租,等于car rental
e.g. This is a car hire company.
46. caring profession 护理行业
e.g. The caring professions are the professions thatinvolve caring for people, e.g. nursing, social work, and medicine. 护理行业指照顾、护理认的行业,如专业护理工作、社会福利工作、医务工作等等。
47. car phone 车载电话,亦作carphone
48. car pool 合伙用车(一群各有自备汽车的人安排好在上下班时每次合乘其中一人之车,并由其开车)亦作car sharing
e.g. If they had to pay fees, many drives would avoidbusy roads during rush hours, transportation official say. Because some driverswould switch to car pools and mass transit, change their routes or avoid sometrips altogether.
49. car rental 汽车出租
e.g. Some car rental firms are also laying out theirwares in cyberspace with Websites on the Internet.
50. carriage (列车)车厢
e.g. I was lucky to get a seat in the carriage.
51. car sharing 合伙用车,亦作car pool
e.g. We encourage the organization of car sharing.
52. cartridge (打印机、复印机的)墨盒,(钢笔)笔芯,墨水囊
e.g. We ordered 20 printer ink cartridges, but youdidn’t send any to us at all.
53. case 理由陈述(诉讼或争执之一方),诉讼,案件
e.g. He has a strong case.
54. case study 案例分析,个案研究
e.g. They are conducting a case study of the real worksituation.
e.g. More than 100 case studies are analysed, showinghow the Internet's strengths have been successfully exploited.
55. cash advances 预付现金
e.g. The main benefits of the new system are that cashadvances will no longer be necessary and administrative time can be reduced.
56. cash card 现金卡,自动提款卡,银行卡
e.g. Cash card are electronic currency that, intheory, could eliminate the need to carry bills and coins altogether.
e.g. Cheques are being used less and less, replaced bythe cash card.
57. cashflow analysis 现金流量分析
e.g. This course will help you perform an advancedcashflow analysis of your own company.
58. cash-flow forecast 现金流量预测
e.g. Once the cash-flow forecast is prepared the realchallenge is to decide if a project should be accepted or rejected.
59. cash flow gap 现金流量差额(现金流入与流出之差)
e.g. The cash flow gap opens on day 7 when he pays forthe suppliers.
60. cash machine 自动提款机,自动柜员机,亦作cash dispenser, cashpoint, automated teller machine
e.g. The industrial action had put as many as half its2,000 cash machines out of service.
61. cash dispenser 自动提款机,自动柜员机,亦作cash machine, cashpoint, automated teller machine
62. cash float 备用零钱
e.g. At the start of each day the bar and restaurantstaff are given some cash float.
63. cash flow 现金流量,现金流动,现金收益
e.g. Many businesses fail because they fall into thetrap of ignoring their cash flow.
Every company must watch its cash flow carefully if itis to avoid bankruptcy.
64. bullet point “弹头“圆点,弹点,文件中用来导引各要点的园点符号,亦作bullet。
e.g. These points for discussion are indicated bybullet points.
65.. business concept 经营理念
e.g. This business concept has proved over the yearsto be extremely popular with British and international tourists alike.
66. business district 商务地段,商务区(指写字楼、办公场所、银行、商店集中的区域或地段),亦作commercialdistrict, commercial area, corporate business area
e.g. The hotel is only a five-minute walk from thebusiness and shopping districts.
67. business class (飞机、车、船等的)公务舱,头等舱,亦作first class,与条件稍次、票价较低的economy class(经济舱)相对
e.g. The small airline has beaten the huge Royal DutchKLM airline, and other national state air companies, to win the title ofEurope's best usiness class service.
68. bull market 牛市(通常指股市、汇市等金融市场价格持续上升或坚挺)
e.g. If the market is thought to be good and prices onthe Stock Exchange are thought to be likely to rise, the market is called abull market.
69. bundle 捆绑销售
e.g. The department is trying to stop Microsoft fromforcing personal-computer makers to bundle its Internet browser software withevery copy of Windows.
70. burglar alarm 电子防盗报警装置
e.g. The burglar alarm will make a loud ringing noisewhen someone tries to enter the building secretly and illegally.
71. burglar-proof padlock (U型)防盗锁
e.g. This is a manufacturer of burglar-proof padlock.
72. business 公司,企业
e.g. He set up several adverting consultancy businessin the UK.
73. business class section 商务舱(座位)
e.g. The airline is to introduce a business classsection.
74. bright collor 亮领,成功职业人士
75. brochure
a. They provide free travel brochures
b. All holidays described in our brochure are advertisedby us in good faith and every care is taken to ensure their accuracy.
76. broken lot 零星散股
77. broker
The broker will tell you which policy he or she thinksyou should take out.
78. broker's commission
To deal in shares on the Internet incurs none of theregular broker's commission and investors can therefore easily afford to buyand sell shares more regularly.
79. brokerage fee
One reliable way of managing investments is through abroker, who charges a brokerage fee in the form of a percentage of the moneyinvested.
bulletin 公告栏
The Internet is very flexible and allows companis toupdate their news bulletins very
bulletin board 电子屏
America Online is home to hundreds of electronicbulletin boards.
80. brokerage industry
The broderage industry is booming these few years.
81. brown goods
Manufacturers of brown goods have to face competitionfrom Japan.
82. brunch
Brunch is a meal which you eat in the late morning.
During the ~ yeas of rapid growth in the late 1980s,some bureaucrats outrageously greedy.
bubble wrap
Thanks to the bubble wrap, these books arrived inpretty good shape
budget priced goods
Budget priced goods are low-priced goods.
buffet reception
Buffet receptions offer good chances for doing usefulnetworking
Built-ins now include playstations, Internet accessand televisions.
The Coca-Cola Company might have been wiser toleave the old Coke alone and introduce New Coke as a brand extension.
可口可乐公司本应聪明一点, 让老牌可乐照卖不误,同时将新口味可乐作为品牌延伸推向市场.
The idea behind a brand extension strategy is thatcustomers will accept the new product because they are already familiar withthe brand name.
品牌延伸策略背后的理念在于, 顾客因为已经熟悉某种品牌名称而接受新产品
eg: Brand identification insures shelf placement andother advantages in the distribution process.
eg: Mercedes cars have a quality brand image
We are doing a survey to find out which is the brand leaderin the coffee market.
The objective of advertising is to build upbrand loyalty.
Customers with a strong sense of brand loyalty arerarely prepared to switch to a new competitior.
eg: Despite the Brand -Making Mystique, the TangibleTrademark is strong financial returns.
brand name
The enormous strength of the McDonald's brand namehas helped the company to enter new markets all over the world.
Proctor and Gamble has significant distribution powerbecause of the strength of their brand name.
consultants 品牌咨询公司
eg: A recent survey of 1000 people by brand consultantsCook &Pearson concludes that shoppers will continue to buy a wider range ofgoods and services from supermarkets.
enhancing 品牌提升
eg: One company says that its on-hold marketingprogramme, combinging messages with 'brand enhancing' music , reduces hang-upsby 50 per cent and increases sales by up to 20 per cent .
92.Book value 账面价值(反映在账簿上的资产值)
e.g. The old photocopier is still useful, although itsbook value is almost nothing.
93.Boring and repetitive 单调重复的
e.g. In general, the computer serves best in doing allthe jobs which are boring and repetitive, such as producing invoices andstatements.
94.Bottom-end of the market 低端市场
e.g. A large computer hardware retailer positioneditself at the bottom-end of the market by undercutting all its competitors.
95.Bottom line 账本底线,盈亏一览结算线
e.g. You run millions of dollars through all that andyou come out with nothing on the bottom line.
e.g. we never lost sight of the bottom line.
96.Bounce (电子邮件)弹回,退回
97.Bounce message (电子邮件器给发信人的)退件通知
98.Bounced cheque 拒付支票
e.g. Charges can be very high for bounced cheque, andadministration fees are charged each time the debt increases.
99.Boundaryless marketing 无界营销
e.g. The notion of boundaryless marketing was fistused by Jack Welch, chairperson and CEO of General Electric.
100.Bourse 证券交易所,证券市场
e.g. Shares atChina’stwo bourses fell nearly 20 percent, although a few so-called WTO plays, such asTianjin Port,still held retail interest
e.g. shares at china’s two bourses fell nearly 20percent, although a few so-called wto plays, such as tianjin port, still held retail interest.
original meaning is 零售的. 引申一下, 股市里,以零售的,零散的形式购买的,只有中小股民了box file 文件盒
eg: The invoice is in the box file marked"invoice".这张发票在标明‘发票’的文件盒里
torming 集思广益
eg: Brainstorming can produce a lot of ideas veryquickly .
torming session 集体讨论会
We're holding a brainstroming session on ournew product next Tuesday.
A brainstorming session between the managingdirector, the marketing director and their accountant produced a new name forthe company.
office 分公司
eg: A decision must be made about whether the branch office is to hold stock or not.
out 拓展业务
eg: They are branching out to locations around the world.
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