1. accommodation : book a hotel( hall等) with adequate working facilities( such as fax machines internet access computers等)
2. transportation :choose a convenient (suitable) means of transportation
(2)费用: hotel bills s traveling expenses·public transportation fares s fax or telephonecharges ,
client entertainment expenses
文化差异:cultural differences : different thought patterns /working style /ways of decision-making/ shopping habits /ways of seeing the world
1. promote the global mindset
2. become sensitive to the cultural difference/be open-minded
3. respect for native culture
4. consider cultural taboos
5. the staff should acquaint with differences in language,laws and social customs
6. relocate the employee to work abroad to experience different working style
商务旅行(business trip)是很多职场人的工作生活。在商务旅行中常常遇到的赶飞机、预定、乘火车、与客户交谈等场景,小编在这里为你总结48个经典句型!1 Do I have to make a reconfirmation?...
外表"I need a suit in a hurry! Do you know where I can get one?"我需要一套西装,快点!你知道我在哪里可以买到吗?...
英语范文对于我们的英语写作有着比较重要的作用,多去看范文并不意味着在考试中照搬范文内容,而是让我们掌握语言架构与句子运用的能力。在BEC考试的复习中,范文有着同样的作用,下面就是BEC高级写作中关于商务旅行建议的范文,一起了解一下吧。 Business practices in China Ex 3: Sample answer: (244words) D...
商务旅行(business trip)在中国一般被称为“出差”。各个公司对出差都会有花费标准、每日定额、预支费用等等一系列的相关规定。这次就带大家一起来这些 business terms,出差和学习两不误!1. Expense account:费用帐户/报销单。出差期间的路费、食宿费等,各种费用的收据要妥善保管,存档和归类,以备以后报...
“商务英语”是商务和英语的结合,商务英语交流总是带着一定的目的并要达成一定的结果。因此演练一下商务英语情景对话很有必要。下面小编为大家分享商务旅行时的英语对话?一起来看看吧!1 Do I have to make a reconfirmation?我还要再确认吗?2 Could you tell me my reservation number, p...