主要分为:填空题(monologues or dialogues),搭配题( short monologues),多选题(conversation or monologue (interview, discussion, presentation, etc)
1. Why do you study English?
2. Why do you want to study business?
3. What do you think of some modern methods of payment (credit cards, cheques, bank transfers)?
4. What role does the computer play in modern business?
5. What are some necessary steps for preparing a business trip overseas?
6. Which kind of office would you prefer to work in, cellular or an open-plan office?
7. What do you think of international trade?
8. How to deal with customer enquires on the phone?
9. Transportation: (What is your usual means of transportation? Compare the various means of transportation)
10. Health and safety in the workplace (How to ensure a healthy working environment for employees? What are some health hazards in the office/factory shop? What safety measures should be adopted in the workplace?)
11. How to keep a balance between growth and environment protection?
12. Radio and TV (What are your favorite/TV programs? Why?)
13. What kind of role does advertising play in promoting your products/services? Which form of advertising is most effective in your opinion?
14. What are the required qualities of a modern manager?
15. What do you know about flexible time?
雅思听力是雅思考试的重要组成部分,考察的是考生的对语言的适应能力和理解能力。在应对雅思听力考试的时候,读题很重要,下面是小编给大家分享的4个读题锦囊,希望可以给大家在考试过程中带来帮助。 锦囊一:挤时间看题 每次雅思听力考试正式开考之前都会先放一段录音,对于这些录音我们可以直接跳过,把这些时间都用来读题。我们先要大概看下试卷的题目,看看大概有多少题目还有基...
雅思口语考试中有一个很重要的点在于你对于问题的思路以及你又如何通过口述的方式来表达清楚。而往往很多初次战雅思的同学,可能会在口语考试当中因为紧张或者一些突发原因,很容易就突然”卡“住了。那么,如果真的任何思路都没有的情况下,可以试用下面的公式,通过公式的帮助,可以有很多话说,也能取得6.5分以上的雅思口语成绩,给考官的印象是Even though I am not good a...
在2015年里,很多同学为出国梦想辛苦准备雅思考试,奔赴在城市大大小小的考场。这一年里,不少同学“考场得意”,顺利拿到理想雅思成绩,成功屠鸭,但也有不少同学发挥欠佳,铩羽而归。到了新的一年,仍有一大批同学走在“屠鸭”的征程里,其中不乏“新兵老将”。为此,小编针对雅思考试写作部分给各位“新老江湖”们提供几条精囊妙计,并预祝大家顺利屠鸭!一、 初出茅庐...
1. This view is now being questioned by more and more people.这一观点正受到越来越多人的质疑。...
1、In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse.考虑到问题的严重性,在事态进一步恶化之前,必须采...