R and D
13 I'd really like a change now. I've been working in the electronics industry for quite a while, but I feel I need to broaden my knowledge and skills. I could have tried simply moving to another sector, but I've decided to invest in doing an MBA as the best way to build my potential. I think engaging with new ideas and business systems will help me to improve my prospects. 14 I work for a large national company at the moment, and it's been very rewarding given me a lot of experience. But I'd like to be in charge of my own business, just a small one, nothing too big. I've got good qualifications, and I've done a business administration course to get more of the theory. I've put together a detailed business proposal and two or three of my friends are willing to help with finance. 15 We're the leading multinational in our field, and respected for the solid quality of our products. However, I've just been approached by the CEO of another company to join them in a senior management position. The money they offer is tempting, but my field is R and D, and I've decided to stay here but get more involved with creating the next generation products. I think that'll be a rewarding direction to go in. 16 I've had my own company for several years, but what I'm now on track for is heading up a much bigger operation, getting to board level. I'm convinced I've got the self-motivation and the independence of mind to take difficult decisions. The challenges are more important than the money. Self-employment has taught me a lot, and now it's time to apply some of those lessons. I've got valuable insights to offer. 17 You know, you work hard, get all sorts of qualifications, try to be the best in your field, and then what? Well, I've done all that, and now I'm interested in the new generation of men and women coming into business. I remember I needed plenty of encouragement and guidance along the way, and I believe that with my experience I can steer youngsters in the right direction to achieve what they want. That's my priority for the future.