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中文:取决于英文翻译:rest withturn on...
To paraphrase our forefathers: Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to cope with them. The following examples can illustrate this viewpoint.For example, Mandera, a well-...
Happiness Depends on Solving ProblemsThere is a saying that happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them. Yes, if there are no problems, w...
过了没用,虽然我考了良好,但心里很悲伤。高不成,低不就的感觉。没有专业背景,工作只能找替代性高的工作。我们班没考专八的工作照样找的好。另外很多专四两次没过的专八都过了所以专四没过的的学弟学妹不要太担心!这卷子出的就像四六级的感觉(虽然我没考过四六级,不知道四六级是怎样的,但是做专八卷子有一种到村头井里打水,和用锤子在河边拍打边洗衣服的感觉,总的来说就一个字 "土的掉渣") 我抱着只想考及格的...