It is also possible that the costs of job changing by employees vary internationally. Data suggest that workers in the United States may well be more likely to change employers than workers elsewhere may be. Indeed, data confirm that, on average, American workers have been with their current employers fewer years than workers in most other developed countries, particularly workers in Europe and Japan, have been with theirs. It is not known why Americans are more mobile than most others are, but one possibility relates to the lower levels of company training received by American workers. Another possibility, however, is that the costs of mobility are lower in the United States (despite the fact that Japan and Europe are more densely populated and hence more urban). What would create these lower costs?
5. According to paragraph 3, what is one possible explanation for why American workers change jobs more frequently than workers elsewhere do?
A.The relatively small percentage of American workers who live in urban areas
B.The tendency of American employers to provide less training for workers
C.The recent decrease in mobility costs in the United States
D.The lower average population density in the United States
在这道细节题中,我们可以根据题干关键词 why American、more frequently than从上往下读到but one possibility relates to the lower levels of company training received by American workers. Another possibility, however, is that the costs of mobility are lower in the United States这部分内容判断为该题答案,答案句可看到出现了两对比较逻辑,AD均未涉及原答案句中的比较四要素。原句中为同一时间点下,比较对象为USA与其他国家,比较方面分别为training和costs,比较大小都是USA< 其他国家,那么在选项中的C选项是尽管出现了costs这个比较方面,但是可以发现这个选项中的比较对象并非USA与其他国家,而是同一对象在不同时间点的比较,由此可以判断比较对象发生了变化,从而辨认出该选项是错误项;B选项中则保留了less training这个比较,且比较大小与原句一致,是USA与的国家做对比而非同一对象USA不同时间前后的对比,因此可以判断B为正确选项。
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