大家还记得《权利的游戏》中勇敢的“二丫”艾莉亚·史塔克吧,最近,扮演二丫的麦茜·威廉姆斯(Maisie Williams )在一次直播中表示她又复习了一遍《权力的游戏》,觉得这个故事最后烂尾了。“It definitely fell off at the end. But it started really strong. I was heartbroken when Ned died, and I knew it was coming. For the first time, I could really feel the story.”“结尾确实品质下降了。但它开始时非常强大。奈德死的时候我很伤心,我知道会这样。这是第一次,我可以真正感受到这个故事。”麦茜·威廉姆斯说,在很长一段时间里......自己都没能从外人的角度来看待这部剧。所以也没有真正理解它,然而,为它感到自豪的感觉很好。因为拍这部剧是她生命中的10年。In an April interview with GQ, Masie explained growing up with the show and her complicated relationship with playing Arya. It didn't always make for an easy childhood in the spotlight, but she hinted to warming to the idea of returning as Arya. When asked about reprising the role, she said, “it has to be the right time and the right people,” and “it has to be at the right time for me.”在4月接受《GQ》采访时, 麦茜解释了自己与该剧一起成长以及她与扮演艾莉亚的复杂关系。生活在聚光灯下,这并不总是一个轻松的童年,但她暗示有兴趣重新扮演艾莉亚。当被问及重新扮演这个角色时,她说,“必须是合适的时间和合适的人,而且,必须是在对我合适的时间”。Game of Thrones is still going in the form of spin-offs, with the House of the Dragon prequel wrapping up its first season now on HBO.《权力的游戏》仍在以衍生剧的形式进行,《龙之家族》的前传现在已经在HBO电视台结束了它的第一季。所以,很有可能在衍生剧中再次看到二丫,有点期待了。虽然凭一个角色就年少成名,但麦茜·威廉姆斯一路走来也付出了很多努力。Margaret Constance Williams was born in Bristol on 15 April 1997. Williams' parents divorced when she was four months old. The youngest of four siblings - James, Beth and Ted - Williams was raised by her mother and stepfather in a three-bedroom council house in the village of Clutton, Somerset.玛格丽特·康斯坦茨·威廉姆斯1997年4月15日出生在布里斯托尔。威廉姆斯的父母在她四个月大时就离婚了。威廉姆斯是四个兄弟姐妹中最小的一个,她还有詹姆斯、贝丝和特德三个哥哥姐姐。她的母亲和继父在萨默塞特的克拉顿村的一个三居室的出租屋里将她抚养长大。From an early age from when "she was tiny", Williams has always been known as "Maisie", nicknamed because of her perceived likeness to the cartoon character from the UK newspaper comic strip The Perishers.从很小的时候起,威廉姆斯就一直被称为“麦茜”,因为她被认为与英国报纸连环画The Perishers中的卡通人物很像,就有了这个昵称。 Williams went to Clutton Primary School and Norton Hill School in Midsomer Norton school. She subsequently transferred to Bath Dance College to study Performing Arts, where she trained in musical theatre, ballet, tap, street, freestyle, gymnastics and trampolining, with the ambition of becoming a professional dancer.威廉姆斯就读于克拉顿小学和米德索莫诺顿学校的诺顿山学校。后来她转到巴斯舞蹈学院学习表演艺术,在那里她接受了音乐剧、芭蕾舞、踢踏舞、街舞、自由舞、体操和蹦床的训练,并立志成为一名职业舞蹈家。She left school at 14 years old partly due to the successful commencement of her acting career. She was then home educated, but did not take any education examinations.她14岁时离开学校,部分原因是她的演艺事业成功开始了。随后她接受了家庭教育,但没有参加任何教育考试。At the age of 12, Williams commenced her professional acting career by co-starring in one of the largest ensemble casts on television. She was cast as Arya Stark, the feisty young tomboy daughter of a noble family in HBO's historical fantasy drama series Game of Thrones (based on George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire epic fantasy novel series).12岁时,威廉姆斯参与了电视上最大的阵容之一,开始了她的职业演艺生涯。她在根据乔治·R·R·马丁的史诗奇幻小说《冰与火之歌》改编的HBO历史奇幻剧《权力的游戏》中扮演艾莉亚·史塔克,一个贵族家庭里的精力充沛的年轻假小子。在沪江英语订阅号后台回复【冰与火之歌】(不含框),有机会免费领英文版《冰与火之歌》全5卷。(限时7天,手慢无哦!)沪江英语每日为您推荐精华英语学习内容:英语考试、热点资讯、英语影视台词、双语阅读、欧美文化、英语知识,精彩不断!回复【菜单】或【帮助】获取学习导航。
Williams almost missed the audition (her second in her career) because it coincided with a school trip to a farm; her mother convinced her to go to the audition.威廉姆斯差点错过试镜(这也是她职业生涯中的第二次试镜),因为试镜时间恰好是学校去农场游览的时间;是她的妈妈说服她去参加试镜。The character of Arya Stark is regarded as an anti heroine, a fan favourite that developed into one of the central protagonists in the Game of Thrones fantasy epic.[21] The character's story arc across the first six seasons encompasses severance, trauma, tragedy and revenge.艾莉亚·史塔克这个角色被视为不按传统主角品格塑造的女主角,是粉丝们的最爱,并发展成为《权力的游戏》这部奇幻史诗的核心主角之一。这个角色在前六季的故事线包含了决裂、创伤、悲剧和复仇。
Williams appeared in all eight broadcast seasons of Game of Thrones, the final episode of which aired in May 2019.威廉姆斯出现在《权力的游戏》所有八个播出季中,该剧的最后一集于2019年5月播出。As the series viewership rose, the international popularity of Game of Thrones gave Williams global recognition.随着剧集收视率的上升,《权力的游戏》的国际知名度让威廉姆斯得到了全球观众认可。凭借《权利的游戏》中的精彩表现,麦茜·威廉姆斯分别获得过英国SFX奖和艾美奖的提名。在拍摄《权利的游戏》的档期之外,她也出演了其他一些剧集。2012年,她在BBC迷你剧《鬼宅秘闻》里饰演了主要角色Loren Caleigh 。2013年,麦茜·威廉姆斯首次参演电影作品《中暑惊魂》,在剧中饰演和科学家父亲躲避非洲盗猎者追杀的女儿乔希。2014年,麦茜·威廉姆斯和英国男演员乔·科尔一起出演了悬疑电影《堕落》。她凭借电影《堕落》中的表现被伦敦影评人协会奖评为最佳英国和爱尔兰新人奖。In 2015, Williams guest starred in four episodes of series 9 of the BBC science fiction series Doctor Who , in the recurring role of Ashildr, a Viking girl made immortal by the Doctor. Williams' performance was described as "superb" by Patrick Mulkern of the Radio Times.2015年,威廉姆斯客串了BBC科幻剧《神秘博士》第九系列的四集,在剧中饰演阿希尔德,一个被博士变成永生不朽的维京女孩。威廉姆斯表演被《广播时报》的帕特里克·马尔克恩描述为“极佳”。2022年,在电视剧《叛逆之声》中饰演朋克偶像乔丹。这部剧改编自英国最具影响力的朋克摇滚乐队Sex Pistols成员畅销回忆录,IMdb评分7.6,豆瓣评分8.6,是麦茜·威廉姆斯近年来口碑最好的一部剧。剧中她的造型非常“犀利”:拍戏之余,麦茜·威廉姆斯还和交往三年多的男友Reuben Selby一起创办了供时尚界人士交流用的社交平台,两人也时常一起出席活动。其实,长大以后的麦茜轮廓和小时候没怎么变,但感觉私服穿搭和红毯造型比她在剧中的形象更加大胆、前卫。说到叛逆,让人联想到最近麦茜在the Diary of a CEO播客节目上自曝小时候与父母的关系。“[That relationship] really consumed a lot of my childhood. Ever since I can remember I really struggled with sleeping, and I think a lot of the traumatic things that were happening, I didn’t realize that they were wrong,”“(与父母的关系)真的消耗了我童年的很多时间。从我记事起,我就真的是入睡困难,我认为当时发生的很多创伤性的事情,我都没有意识到它们是错误的。”当她只有8岁的时候,有一次老师看出她身体不适,知道她平时在家里从来没吃过早饭,就把麦茜的妈妈叫到了学校。而那时麦茜觉得,是老师不对。“It was really, really hard because I still wanted to fight and say, ‘No! These things aren’t bad! You’re trying to take me away from my dad and that’s wrong!’ Because I was like, indoctrinated in a way.”“这真的非常、非常困难,因为我仍然想抗争并说:‘不!这些事情并不是坏的!你们想把我从我爸爸身边带走,这是不对的!’ 因为那时我就像是在某种程度上被灌输了(错误的观念)。”从仅有的叙述来看,麦茜的父母似乎还在争夺孩子的爱,而这种拉扯影响到了麦茜的判断。再长大一些以后,麦茜对过去终于释然了,她说:“If I wasn’t there it would’ve been someone else. It’s not because something is wrong with me that these things happened when I was a child.”“如果我不曾那样,我就会是别的什么人了。这并不是因为我有什么问题,这些事情在我还是个孩子的时候就发生了。”也许,麦茜的红色头发、金色眉毛和前卫装束只是她的一种保护色,只要能跟过去和解,就是可喜的成长啊。
heartbroken /ˈhɑːtbrəʊkən/ adj. 悲伤的,伤心的
spotlight /ˈspɒtlaɪt/ n. 聚光灯,反光灯;媒体和公众的注意
spin-off /ˈspɪn ɒf/ n. 副产品;资产分派,让产易股
nickname /ˈnɪkneɪm/n. 绰号,外号;v. 给……起绰号;叫错名字
struggle /ˈstrʌɡ(ə)l/ v/n 奋斗,努力;搏斗;争夺,争抢;奋力前进,艰难行进
英文部分素材来源avclub: Maisie Williams agrees that Game Of Thrones "fell off at the end"pagesix: Maisie Williams: I had a traumatic relationship with my dad