
电子邮件 你很可能不知道的5个误区

Everyone has a different email ritual.

Maybe you send emails early in the morning, or late at night. Maybe you create insanely long subject lines or militaristically short ones. Maybe you CC as many people as possible in hope of eliciting a response. You stay steadfast in your superstition — but what if you could know for sure what?really?works?

1.MYTH: Monday is the best day to send an email.

TRUTH: Sorry — Mondays are still useless.

Yesware found that email reply rates were actually significantly higher on the weekend. That's likely because people take it slow and have more time to reply. During the week, reply rates were essentially the same every day.

So what's with the Monday hype? Perhaps because it's usually the beginning of the work week. People have time to catch up before getting bogged down in other responsibilities and endless email threads. Days of the week really has no bearing on anything, unless you know for a fact that the person you're emailing enjoys receiving stuff on Monday more than any other day.

2.MYTH: Emails get faster responses in the morning.

TRUTH:?Well...sort of.

Emails sent between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. were found to have quick responses. However, so were emails sent in the evening, around 8 p.m. About 40% of emails sent around those times received a response. Again, knowing your audience can greatly impact what time you decide to send that email.

3.MYTH: Subject lines should be short.

TRUTH: It actually doesn't seem to matter.

The subject line is kind of like a headline — it reels the reader in. However, Yesware data shows that length of the subject line didn't have an actual impact on open or reply rate. That doesn't mean your subject line should be a novel — short and sweet is a saying for a reason. For example, one of the most successful email subjects of all time? Just the word "Hey," sent by Barack Obama's re-election campaign last year. Its simplicity was a victorious coup for the campaign's fundraising efforts.

If you're looking for strategic keywords, Yesware found that "steps," "campaign" and "next" had the highest open and reply rates. On the opposite end, the worst words to put in a subject line are "calendar" and "online." Stop emailing everyone your online calendar, they're apparently not interested.
如果你也在寻找有策略性的关键词,Yesware网站发现诸如“steps”, “campaign”, 和“next”这样的字眼的邮件拥有最高的点阅率和回复率。另一方面,主题栏最糟糕的字眼就是 “calendar”和 “online”这样的词。不要再给每个人发送你的在线日程表了,很显然对方并不感兴趣。

4.MYTH: Adding multiple recipients gets faster responses.

TRUTH: That's not going to work. Instead, use that "CC" option.

Resist the urge to bog down the recipient field. Just because you send your email to more people, doesn't mean you'll get more responses. Instead, Yesware's data shows that putting one person in the "To" recipient field, and "CC"-ing other recipients gets a 10% higher reply rate. When you do that, the one person is more obligated to respond, because they're the top recipient. Give a bunch of people that responsibility, and they'll shrug it off on the next person.
坚决避免沦陷收件人栏。因为即使你发送给再多的人,也不一定收到相应多的回复。Yesware网站的数据表示,把一位收件人到“to:”栏,再把其他的收信人填到 “转发”栏,会有10%的更高的回复率。当你这样做,对方就必须给予你回复,因为他们是第一位收件人。如果你让一大堆人同时查看你的这封邮件,他们只会甩头转至下一封邮件。

It's like a less urgent version of the bystander effect. When faced with a situation around other people, you just stand by, expecting someone else to do something.

5.MYTH: Send emails today, get responses tomorrow.

TRUTH: Nope — you should be getting a response within 24 hours.

Yesware found that 90% of emails that ever get replies get one on the same day. After, a response is increasingly less likely. But don't despair — following up to an email yields a 21% chance of getting a reply.

So what do you say in a follow-up? It depends on who is on the receiving end. If you're following up to a cold email, make sure you're always following up within the thread. Sending a new email gives the other person too much work. Then, keep it brief.

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