
绩效考核惴惴不安 6个贴士轻松过关


With the year drawing to a close, it's performance evaluation time in many companies. Performance evaluations don't have to be stressful or nerve-wracking, especially if you follow these six tips to get ready for yours.

1. Realize that most managers hate doing performance evaluations. It's not that managers don't want to give you feedback, but structured performance evaluations can feel bureaucratic and take up a lot of time, especially if the manager has a large staff. As a result, many put them off or look for ways to get them done faster. As an employee, you can take advantage of this by making your evaluation easier for your manager.
1. 要意识到大多数经理讨厌做绩效评估。这并不是说经理不想给你反馈,但结构化的绩效评估会让人觉得官僚化而且占用大量的时间,特别是如果经理管理了大量员工。因此,许多经理会把考评推迟或想法子尽快完成。作为员工,你可以利用这一点让你的经理更容易对你评估。

2. Let your manager know that you're looking forward to your evaluation, not dreading it. One reason managers fret over evaluations is that they assume they're nerve-wracking for employees. If you make it clear that you're looking forward to feedback, you immediately make the process more pleasant for the person charged.
2. 让你的经理知道你对评估的期许,不要害怕它。经理担心评估的一个原因是他们认为这会让员工很伤脑筋。如果你说清楚希望得到反馈,你立即让负责评估的人更愉快的主导这个流程。

3. Evaluate yourself first. Some companies build self-assessments into their evaluation processes, and so you might be asked to fill out a self-evaluation before your manager does her piece of the process. But even if you aren't, you can do one anyway and supply it to your manager. It doesn't have to be hard – just list out what your goals were for the year and how much progress you made toward them, and add a section on strengths you bring to the job and a section on what you'd like to do better in the coming year. If you provide this to your manager before she needs to finish her own evaluation of you, there's a good chance that she'll pull directly from it when she writes her own.
3. 首先评估自己。一些公司的评估流程会包括自我评价,所以你可能会被要求在经理评估前先写自我评价。但即使你没被要求写,你可以主动写一份并交给你的经理。这并不难——只要列出你今年目标是什么,你为了达成目标努力了多少,并加上你给工作带来了什么优势,在明年愿意把哪些地方做的更好就可以了。如果你在经理评估前先把自己写的给她,很有可能在她写报告时会直接用你的话。

4. Start planning for your evaluation from the first day of the evaluation period. In other words, if you're evaluated every December, start thinking about your evaluation 12 months earlier, in January. Think about what your goals for the year should be, and lay out a plan to achieve them – including monthly or quarterly milestones to make sure you're on track. Then, work toward those milestones, and at the end of the year when it's time for performance evaluations, you can ideally show your manager that you met all of your goals for the year.
4. 从评估时间段内的第一天就开始规划。换句话说,如果你每年12月被评估,那就在12个月前,也就是1月,开始准备。想想你今年的目标,并制定计划去实现它们——包括月度或季度目标来确保你的奋斗方向是正确的。然后,朝着这些目标努力,那么在今年年底业绩评估的时候,你可以圆满的告诉经理已经达成今年所有目标了。

5. Keep an evaluation file throughout the year. If you start trying to think about what you did well this year, you're unlikely to remember the fantastic reception your report got in February or that great praise you got in June. Instead, keep a file where you jot down notes on project successes during the year, so that it's handy when you're reflecting on your performance during evaluation time. You can even include notes of praise from others in the file and reference them in your review.
5. 保留一个评估文件。如果你开始努力思考今年哪些事做得很好,你不太可能记得2月份的报告反响很好或者6月得到了表扬。你可以用一个文件记下一年中成功的经历,这样在评估期间回想之前的表现就很方便了。你甚至可以在文件里记下别人夸奖的具体内容,并在评估时引用。

6. Ask colleagues to give feedback to your manager. Ideally, as your manager reflects on your performance over the last year, she'll seek out input from other people who work with you closely and who might have insightful perspectives on your work. But don't wait to see if she does this, or take the chance that she might not ask the people best positioned to speak about your accomplishments. Instead, think of who particularly appreciates the work you do and tell them you'd be grateful if they'd provide input to your manager.
6. 让同事给你的经理反馈。理想情况下,当你的经理回想过去一年你的表现时,她会询问那些和你密切合作和对你的工作观察比较仔细的人。但是不要被动等着看她是否会这样做,或侥幸觉得她可能不会问那些最适合谈论你成就的人。你应该想想谁特别欣赏你的工作,并说明如果他们愿意告诉经理的话你会很感激。




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