Kharkov 相关例句
- Only the imminent arrival of the spring thaw could save Kharkov from the Germans.
现在只有即将到来的春天的解冻才能从德军手中抢出哈尔科夫。 - When Dietrich greeted the first batch of ex-Luftwaffe men in Kharkov, he asked for volunteers for the panzergrenadiers.
An analytical study of the surnames in the Kharkov register (Census) of 1660L'entrepôt de munitions de Balakleya, dans la région de Kharkov, de nouveau en flammes - 1 500 personnes évacuéesKCNQ4, a K+ channel mutated in a form of dominant deafness, is expressed in the inner ear and the central auditory pathway.KCNQ4, a K+ channel mutated in a form of dominant deafness, is expressed in the inner ear and the central auditory pathwayMicrowave and millimeter wave nondestructive testing and evaluation - Overview and recent advancesSurface expression and single channel properties of KCNQ2/KCNQ3, M-type K+ channels involved in epilepsySome statistical results on very low frequency radiowave emissions in the upper ionosphere over earthquake zonesMeasurement and monitoring of microwave reflection and transmission properties of cement-based specimensMicrowave and millimetre wave sensors for crack detectionOverview and Recent Advances