kid gloves 相关例句
- Mary is easily distressed. You'll have to handle her with kid gloves.
Kid glovesKid GlovesKid glovesEarly Childhood Inclusion: Applying Lessons Learned SymposiumKid Gloves. | I Am A Little Messed Up TodayAutoimmune polyendocrinopathy syndrome type 1: treat with kid gloves.‘Treating officials with kid gloves?’ An appraisal of government in two South African television news programmesCoercion with kid gloves? The European Union's role in shaping a global regulatory framework for aviation emissionsPEER-TO-PEER MARKETING: Mini marketers must be treated with kid gloves(Kid) Gloves On or Off? Academic Conflict in Research Articles Across the DisciplinesFagan, A., & Burgess, S. (2002). (Kid) Gloves On or Off? Academic Conflict in Research Articles Across the Disciplines. Revista cana...Silk dresses and lavender kid gloves: the wayward career of Jessie Craigen, working suffragistNo time for kid gloves.