kittling 基本解释
kittling 相关例句
En kittling någonstans långt inne vid levernSötsalt kittling i kvalmiga rumElectric moments and charge deformation parameters in 152,154Sm, 156Gd, and 166ErElectric moments and charge deformation parameters in Sm 1 5 2 , 1 5 4 , Gd 156 , and Er 166God Bless the Child: The United States' Response to Domestic Juvenile ProstitutionElectric moments and charge deformation parameters in $^{152,154}\mathrm{Sm}$, $^{156}\mathrm{Gd}$, and $^{166}\mathrm{Er}$Webes alkalmazásfejlesztésFastFoodServiceElectric moments and charge deformation parameters in Sm-152, Sm-154, Gd-156, and Er-166Skittling the lickspittles