Klamaths 基本解释
abbr.Klamath Mountains bordering California and Oregon 加利福尼亚与俄勒冈州边界卡拉马斯山;
Klamaths 相关例句
Modocs want to split from KlamathsWild Creatures of the KlamathsCaracterisation d'une serie tholeiitique d'arc d'age paleozoique (Klamaths orientales -- Nord de la Californie, U.S.A.) a l'aide des...Tectonique des chaines de l'Oregon occidental (U.S.A.): une coupe du front des Monts Klamaths au PacifiqueFROM NEOPROTEROZOIC ‘PRE-CURSOR’ CLAMS TO THE KLAMATHS: DOCUMENTING THE PALEOGEOGRAPHIC EVOLUTION OF THE EASTERN KLAMATH TERRANES,...Memorial On Behalf of the Modocs, Klamaths, and SnakesTribes Fight to Winvast Public Lands Back ; the Klamaths Hope to Reclaim 700,000 Acres; Say They'll Restore Damaged AreasUnroofing the Klamaths—Blame it on Siletzia?The Klamath's Path after TerminationKlamath's Loss Doesn't Deter Sterling.(Sterling Financial's acquisition of Klamath First Bancorp )(Brief Article)