kneecaps 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- A subluxation occurs when the kneecap is pulled toward the outside of the knee.
当膝盖骨被拉到膝部外面发生半脱位。 - Bynum sustained a bone bruise in his left knee and he briefly dislocated his kneecap in the January game.
New Yorker Kneecaps '24'Your Face or Your KneecapsNursing chair with kneecapsKneecaps Lost in Space, or the case of the elusive alignmentSpotify Kneecaps Its Beloved Free Music Streaming ServiceMultifunctional far infrared magnetic kneecapsLMX1B mutations with nails and kneecaps: a new paradigm?Easing aching kneecaps. Patellofemoral pain can make it hard to squat, go down stairs, or just sit through a movieOn Yang Taijiquan Performers' Outward Shift of Kneecaps and Corresponding CorrectnessBABEWATCH; FASCINATING FACTS ABOUT BABIES & TODDLERS They Are Born without Any Kneecaps Newborns ALL Have Blue Eyes Tots Laugh 300 T...