labor protection
英:[ˈleibə prəˈtekʃən] 美: [ˈlebɚ prəˈtɛkʃən]
labor protection 基本解释
labor protection 相关例句
- Today, women enjoy equal rights with men to work, as well as the right to acquire equal pay for equal work and special labor protection.
如今,妇女依法享有与男子平等的劳动就业权利,并享有同工同酬和受特殊劳动保护的权利。 - Protection of laborers is an important and complex problem in human resources management of an enterprise.
Labor Protection and LeverageApparatus for the protection of air fed to a labor-protection or vehicle compartmentThe Effective Rate of Protection and the Question of Labor Protection in the United StatesModernization of labor protection law: a comparative study on flexibilization of statutory labor standards by workers' representativesRailroad Labor Protection Arrangements and Management PersonnelLabor protection in Western EuropeUndocumented Immigrants in the Workplace: The Fallacy of Labor Protection and the Need for ReformFactory Sanitation and Labor ProtectionA Note on Tariffs, Nontariff Barriers, and Labor Protection in United States Manufacturing IndustriesLewisian Turning Point and Labor Protection