英:['lækrəˌmeɪtə] 美: ['lækrəˌmeɪtə]
lacrimator 基本解释
n.a gas that makes the eyes fill with tears but does not damage them; used in dispersing crowds同义词:tear gasteargaslachrymator
lacrimator 相关例句
lacrimatorlacrimatorA note on lacrimator weapons.[Medical aspects of the lacrimator CS].Isozymes of lacrimator component synthase and gene encoding the sameISOZYMES OF LACRIMATOR COMPONENT SYNTHASE AND GENE ENCODING THE SAMEISOZYME DER LACRIMATOR-KOMPONENTEN SYNTHASE UND FÜR DIESE KODIERENDES GENAcute effects of the potent lacrimator o-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile (CS) tear gasDelayed pulmonary edema and bronchospasm after accidental lacrimator exposure.(54) ISOZYMES OF LACRIMATOR COMPONENT SYNTHASE AND GENE ENCODING THE SAME ISOZYME DER LACRIMATOR-KOMPONENTEN SYNTHASE UND FÜR DIESE...