laggardness 相关例句
laggardness of legislation中文文章必须同时提
Thistime,the governmentappearsintent onavoidinganyaccusationsoflaggardness, even if the quake was less destructive than the one in 2008.
This articledescribedtheenergyshortage, the laggardness of the heat treatmentequipment, the statusof high energy cost andthesignificanceofcarrying outenergy saving.
This ismainly due to unique characteristics ofagriculturalinsurance, lack of effective systems relatingaccumulationofagriculturalinsurance catastrophe risk fund, and legislativelaggardness.
在研究防洪基金与洪水保险之间关系的基础上 ,指出防洪基金的建立可以弥补洪水保险中存在的缺陷 ,加强防洪能力 。
On the Laggardness of Fertility Concept of Contemporary Chinese Farmers
Stop-start control apparatus of internal combustion engine, and control method thereof
Limits on the Application of Frequency-Based Language Models to OCR
Limits on the Application of Frequency-Based Language Models to OCR
Explosive Population Growth in Tropical Africa: Crucial Omission in Development Forecasts—Emerging Risks and Way Out
Dimensional analysis approach to dominant three-pole placement in delayed PID control loops
The regional distribution regularity of landslides and their effects on the environments in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, China.
Exports-R&D investment complementarity and economic performance of firms located in Portugal
Beyond Simple Innovativeness: A Hierarchical Continuum and Thinking and Feeling Processing Modes
Why the Arabic World Turned Away from Science