英:[lə'ɡu:nl] 美: [lə'ɡunl]
lagoonal 相关例句
Holocene lagoonal development in the isolated carbonate platforms off BelizeSemi-diurnal seiching in a shallow, micro-tidal lagoonal estuaryPatterns of lagoonal bivalve mortality after heavy sedimentation and their paleoecological significanceMicrobialites in a modern lagoonal environment: nature and distribution, Tikehau atoll (French Polynesia)Paleobiology of a Neoproterozoic Tidal Flat/Lagoonal Complex: The Draken Conglomerate Formation, SpitsbergenBiochemical Control of Calcium Carbonate Precipitation in Modern Lagoonal Microbialites, Tikehau Atoll, French PolynesiaDeterminants of Community Structure for Coral Reef Fishes in Isolated Coral Heads at Lagoonal and Reef Slope SitesStratigraphical evidence of Late Holocene barrier breaching and extreme storms in lagoonal sediments of Ria Formosa, Algarve, PortugalDistribution and Normalization of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Mangrove and Lagoonal Sediments from Mazatlán Harbor (SE Gulf of Ca...Ecosystem impacts of three sequential hurricanes (Dennis, Floyd, and Irene) on the United States' largest lagoonal estuary, Pamlico ...