lambdoid suture
英:[ˈlæmdɔid ˈsu:tʃə] 美: [ˈlæmˌdɔɪd ˈsutʃɚ]
lambdoid suture 基本解释
lambdoid suture 相关例句
Chronic tonsillar herniation in Crouzon's and Apert's syndromes: the role of premature synostosis of the lambdoid sutureLambdoid synostosis. Part 1. The lambdoid suture: normal development and pathology of "synostosis".The effect of artificial cranial deformation on the incidence of wormian bones in the lambdoidal sutureGli3Xt−J/Xt−J mice exhibit lambdoid suture craniosynostosis which results from altered osteoprogenitor proliferation and different...Ultrasound screening of the lambdoid suture in the child with posterior plagiocephaly.Artificial cranial deformation and the increased complexity of the lambdoid suture.Skull defect involving the lambdoid suture in neurofibromatosisThe Clinical Significance of Bilateral Synostosis of the Lambdoid Suture and the Usefulness of Its TreatmentMultiple Wormian bones at the lambdoid suture in an Indian skullOccipital interhemispheric acute subdural hematoma treated by lambdoid suture tap