laminas 相关例句
lamina propria固有层,固有膜
basal lamina基膜,基板;基底层
dental lamina牙板,齿板;齿叶
用作名词(n.)- All cells are attached to the basal lamina, but some do not reach the surface.
全部细胞都附着到基板,而有些细胞,不到达表面。 - The reservoir is usually lamina sandstone interbbeded with mudstone.
储层砂岩与泥岩大多呈薄互层状。 - In grasses the ligule occurs at the junction of the leaf sheath and lamina.
LAMINASLAMINASPolymeric sheets and laminas having high flexural durabilityThe quantitative anatomy of the laminas of the spineBilateral open laminoplasty using ceramic laminas for cervical myelopathy.Produtividade e rendimento do cafeeiro submetido a laminas de irriga??oThe configuration of the laminas and facet joints in degenerative spondylolisthesis. A clinicoradiologic studyResposta do feijoeiro ao nitrogenio em cobertura, sob diferentes laminas de irrigacao e preparos do solo.Lack of evidence for sprouting of Abeta afferents into the superficial laminas of the spinal cord dorsal horn after nerve section.Parabrachial internal lateral neurons convey nociceptive messages from the deep laminas of the dorsal horn to the intralaminar thala...