英:[ˈlæŋmjuə] 美: [ˈlæŋˌmjʊr]
langmuir 基本解释
n.(姓氏) 朗缪尔(美国化学家, 1881-1957);
langmuir[ 'læŋmjuə ]
n.United States chemist who studied surface chemistry and developed the gas-filled tungsten lamp and worked on high temperature electrical discharges (1881-1957)同义词:Irving Langmuir
langmuir 相关例句
Highly conducting graphene sheets and Langmuir-Blodgett films.An Introduction to Ultrathin Organic Films: From Langmuir-Blodgett to Self-AssemblyStructure and phase transitions in Langmuir monolayersLangmuir-Blodgett nanorod assembly.Langmuir-blodgett filmsRe〆ntrant appearance of phases in a relaxed Langmuir monolayer of tetracosanoic acid as determined by x‐ray scatteringCollapse of Langmuir WavesDouble Langmuir Probe Measurement of Plasma Parameters in a DC Glow DischargeTHE ADSORPTION OF GASES ON PLANE SURFACES OF GLASS, MICA AND PLATINUM.The constitution and fundamental properties of solids and liquids ☆