英:['læŋɡwɪdnes] 美: ['læŋɡwɪdnes]
languidness 相关例句
Influential factors of college teachers' job languidness and intervening strategyAnalyses of Teaching Languidness of High School Teachers'Analysis of the root causes for occupational languidness of physical education teachers in middle schoolsANALYSIS OF THE RELEVANT FACTORS OF NURSE PROFESSIONAL LANGUIDNESS AND ITS COUNTERMEASURESOccupation languidness and professional value orientation of librariansA Research into the Problem of the Librarians' Working LanguidnessAn Imperfect 'World'; Terrence Malick's Historical Drama Is Lyrical but LanguidRevelation by "Languid Mood in Learning"to the Teaching of EnglishOriginal Research about "Languid,lazy and Indolent"Problems of Cadres in Higher Vocational CollegesAn Analysis on the Analogical Semantic Network of the Japanese Adjective 'Omoi'