英:[lʌŋ'gʊə] 美: [lʌŋ'gʊr]
langur 基本解释
langur[ lʌŋ'ɡuə ]
n.slender long-tailed monkey of Asia
langur 相关例句
Gee's Golden LangurCALIDAD DE VIDA LABORAL DE ENFERMERAS DE UN HOSPITAL PRIVADOEstudio de residuos tóxicos en tejidos animales destinados al consumoGrain car doorEnvironmental Correlates of Ranging Behaviour in the Banded Langur, Presbytis melalophosRuminant-Like Digestion of the Langur MonkeyThe Capped Langur in Bangladesh: Behavior Ecology and Reproductive TacticsEcology, nutrition, and timing of reproductive events in an Asian primate, the Hanuman langur (Presbytis entellus)Competitive regimes in forest-dwelling Hanuman langur females (Semnopithecus entellus)Phylogenetic position of the langur genera Semnopithecus and Trachypithecus among Asian colobines, and genus affiliations of their s...