lapse into 相关例句
用作动词(v.)- You mustn't let yourself get into a rut.
你不能陷入老一套。 - He had relapsed into silence again.
Decomposing time-lapse paintings into layers
Separating climate change signals into thermodynamic, lapse-rate and circulation effects: theory and application to the European sum...
Decomposing Time-Lapse Paintings into Layers
Integration of Time-Lapse Seismic Data into a Flow Model Study of CO2 Injection into the Weyburn Field
Byron's Lapse into Orthodoxy: An Unorthodox Reading of "Cain"
Integration of time-lapse seismic data into automatic history matching.
Don’t lapse into temptation: a behavioral explanation for policy surrender
Streamline-based integration of time-lapse seismic and production data into petroleum reservoir models
SPE 90532 Integration of Time-Lapse Seismic Data into a Flow Model Study of CO 2 Injection into the Weyburn Field
| | | Kerala's neo-literates lapse into the darkness of illiteracy