Liens 相关例句
- Collateral Provider does not put any liens on the project or company being funded.
抵押品提供方不对融资的项目或公司附带任何留置权。 - He has to sell his parents' furniture to pay the liens on his equipment.
SITVITWEB--a publicly available international multimarker database for studying Mycobacterium tuberculosis genetic diversity and mol...Long-term effects of intravenous pamidronate in fibrous dysplasia of bone.Long-term effects with pamidronate therapy in fibrous dysplasia of boneEHRA Expert Consensus Statement on the management of cardiovascular implantable electronic devices in patients nearing end of life o...Medical End-of-Life Practices under the Euthanasia Law in Belgium[Euthanasia and other medical decisions concerning the end of life in Belgium: epidemiologic studies]The end-of-life phase of high-grade glioma patients: dying with dignity?No evidence for an association between serum cholesterol and the course of depression and suicidalityThe role of general practitioners in continuity of care at the end of life: a qualitative study of terminally ill patients and their...[End-of-life decision making in six European countries].