英:[lɪŋkwəʊ'dentl] 美: [lɪŋkwoʊ'dentl]
linguodental 基本解释
linguodental 相关例句
linguodentallinguodentalHUBUNGAN ANTARA VOLUME CAVUM ORIS DENGAN FREKUENSI GELOMBANG SUARA PENGUCAPAN VOKAL (/i/, /u/), LINGUODENTAL (/t/, /d/), BIDENTAL (/...RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LINGUODENTAL PHONEMES AND THE MOBILITY OF THE TONGUELinguo-dental's Ascription of Chongniu(重纽) in Zhuanliwanxiangmingyi(《篆隶万象名义》)Relação entre os fonemas linguodentais e habilidades de mobilidade de línguaNOTAÇÕES FONÉTICO-EVOLUTIVAS EM TRECHOS DA "REGRA DE S. BENTO"Artikulationsfähigkeit und Verständlichkeit der Sprache bei Patienten mit Mundhöhlenkarzinomen Ein Vergleich prä- und postoperat...[Articulatory capacity and intelligibility of speech of patients with carcinomas of the mouth cavity. A comparison of pre- and posto...Speech in different oral prosthetic rehabilitation modalities for elderly individuals