英:['lɔ:ræn] 美: ['lɒræn]
loran 基本解释
Loran was the brand name of a blank compact audio cassette marketed throughout the 1970s and 1980s and manufactured by Loran Cassettes & Audio Products, Inc, a division of Loranger Manufacturing Corporation.以上来源于:Wikipedia
loran 相关例句
Automotive mirror with integrated Loran componentsAIRCRAFT-BASED LORAN-C AND GPS ACCURACY FOR WILDLIFE RESEARCH ON INLAND STUDY SITESTopographic Mapping, LORAN-C, and GPS Accuracy for Aerial Telemetry LocationsThe Depleted Mantle Component in Kerguelen Archipelago Basalts: Petrogenesis of Tholeiitic–Transitional Basalts From the Loranchet ...Comparison of upper tropospheric water vapor from GOES, Raman lidar, and cross-chain loran atmospheric sounding system measurementsLoran-C/Eurofix/EGNOS Test & Validation Program - Concept and ResultsOn Making the Right Choice: The Deliberation-Without-Attention Effect.T issue- S pecific S tem CA theory of unconscious thought.The Subcellular Distribution of Carnitine Acyltransferases in Mammalian Liver and Kidney A NEW PEROXISOMAL ENZYME