Lorman 相关例句
Lorman Jahnke标签
William Lorman标签
Fred Lorman标签
Lisa Lorman标签
Lorman C Trueblood标签
Maintaining Sobriety & RecoveryReductions in Submersed Macrophyte Biomass and Species Richness by the Crayfish Orconectes rusticusVideo streaming parameter optimization and QoSImpacts of large discount stores on small US towns: reasons for shopping and retailer strategiesTheory of reorientational transitions in ferrielectric liquid crystals.A comparative Raman study of ferroelectric PbTiO3 single crystal and thin film prepared on MgO substrateMinimal model of the phonon-phason dynamics in icosahedral quasicrystals and its application to the problem of internal friction in ...The role of crayfishes in aquatic ecosystemsWalkersThe relationship between emotional adjustment and two factor structures of the mental adjustment to cancer (MAC) scale