losingly 相关例句
Returnedsomebody toalways do not forgetChinesefootball,asklosinglyinfirmly"canletChinesefootball take a world cup ".
Chinese dogwood tree named ‘Losely’Herman Losely & Son IncReconstruction of 3 - D Xray computer tomography image using losely coupled parallel processing systemLetter from H. P. Losely to Joshua LederbergEthniDc ifferenciensAlleleFrequencies ofTwoMicrosatellMitearkerCslosely Linkedto theLocusfor PolycystiKc idneyLosely House, Surrey (Proof)Herman Losely and Son IncChinese Dogwood Tree Named 'Losely'Educational organizations as losely coupled systems, Administrative Science QuartelyHealing of protein losing hypertrophic gastropathy by eradication of Helicobacter pylori--is Helicobacter pylori a pathogenic factor...