louvred 基本解释
louvred 相关例句
Louvred shutterInvestigation on a Modified Louvred Inertia Air FilterHeat transfer and fluid flow in louvred triangular ductsHEAT TRANSFER AND FLOW FRICTION CHARACTERISTICS OF LOUVRED HEAT EXCHANGER SURFACESMeasured and predicted acoustic performance of vertically louvred noise barriersCORRELATIONS FOR HEAT TRANSFER AND FLOW FRICTION CHARACTERISTICS OF LOUVRED FINExperimental and numerical investigation of air entrainment into a louvred funnelAn empirical correlation for free convection in a window with a between-panes louvred blindAn improved three dimensional numerical model of flow and heat transfer over louvred fin arraysTwo- and three-dimensional numerical models of flow and heat transfer over louvred fin arrays in compact heat exchangers